Sunday, April 10, 2022

PINO Biden may soon release rule on evil ghost guns

That look you get when you're ready to have another "accident"

When your policies suck on violent crime in Democrat-run cities the next best thing you can do is blame the guns. This makes as much sense as Joe Biden speaking off Teleprompter.

The so-called Biden administration plans to reveal its long-awaited ghost gun rule which is supposed to eliminate privately made firearms without serial numbers because if murderers know their guns have serial numbers on them, well they would probably have to resort to knives or heavy, hard objects. Criminals file off serial numbers anyway so there's that. Yes, guns without serial numbers are increasingly being found at crime scenes, but in many cases the serial numbers have been removed.

Perhaps if Biden banned double-cut files and Dremels, this might have a very limited impact, but the bad guys will find a way to get rid of incriminating evidence.

Completion of the rule comes as the White House and the DOJ have been under growing pressure to crack down on shootings and violent crime in the U.S. but have no idea how to do that, and bail reform demonstrates their breathtaking incompetence.


A gunman who shot and killed his wife and four others in Northern California in 2017 had been prohibited from owning firearms, but he built his own to skirt the court order before his rampage. Democrats believe that if it was against the law to make your own gun, he would not have shot his wife and others. He might have run them over or found another way to do his crime.

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Police across the country have been reporting spikes in ghost guns being recovered by officers. The New York Police Department, for example, said officers found 131 unserialized firearms since January. So yes, it's a real problem, but is making them illegal a solution?

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