Monday, April 11, 2022

Biden's hidin': has no plans to visit Ukraine unlike Boris Johnson

C'mon man. Ukraine is a dangerous place to be at and Joe Biden's mother, G_d rest her soul, didn't raise a fool.  

No, she raised an idiot, but not a brave one.

According to U.S. National security advisor, Jake Sullivan, alleged President Biden has no plans to travel to Ukraine even though U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has gone there and walked the streets with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy because, unlike Joe, Boris got him some balls.

They say the place is crawling with Cornpop wannabees.

"It was quite the symbol to see Prime Minister Boris Johnson walking the streets of Kyiv with President Zelenskyy," NBC host Chuck Todd uncharacteristically told Sullivan. "It raises the question: are we going see President Biden in Kyiv?"

When you lose the legacy media, your presidency is in the dumpster.

"President Biden doesn't currently have any plans to travel to Kyiv," Sullivan replied. "But I will tell you he sits in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room on a daily basis, organizing and coordinating the world when it comes to the delivery of weapons," Sullivan said, exhibiting an uncanny ability to keep from cracking up knowing that Joe Biden couldn't organize his sock drawer much less the world.

Sullivan went on to say that the Ukrainian foreign minister [hoping to get more ammo and weapons from the U.S.] said the United States "is at the center of the effort to deliver from other countries and organizing and coordinating the world to take actions like the one last week to kick Russia out of the Human Rights Council." 

"So President Biden will stay focused on that and make sure that he is showing his support and solidarity to the Ukrainian people through those kinds of decisive actions," Sullivan added straight-faced. 

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* * *

Both Johnson and Zelenskyy were widely praised on social media for their show of solidarity and their brass balls in the face of Russian aggression.

"This is what democracy looks like," tweeted the Defense Ministry. "This is what courage looks like. This what true friendship between peoples and between nations looks like."

Cleanup in aisle White House.

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