Monday, April 4, 2022

Hope Solo of Women's Soccer fame arrested for DUI with kids in the car

During National Anthem: only Julie Ertz and Kelley O'Hara refused to kneel

Former goalie for the US Women's Soccer team Hope Solo was found last Saturday allegedly passed out for over an hour behind the wheel of a car, engine running, her children inside, and the smell of alcohol in the air, according to reports.

Solo [no relation to Hans Solo because he's not a real person] defended her parenting skills.

“Our family is strong and surrounded with love. Our kids are strong, intelligent, happy and vibrant, and we are present every day giving them the best life possible,” the soccer player wrote in an Instagram story.

The Olympic goalkeeper for a team that lost to a team of boys up to the age of 16, said that she will be able to share more about the circumstances surrounding her arrest “in due time.” 

She was arrested on charges of driving while impaired, resisting a public officer and misdemeanor child abuse.

“In the meantime, our kids are enjoying the NC sun, eating popsicles and playing on our property,” she said. “Life can be tough, but these are truly the moments that matter. I feel blessed to have this kind of love in my life.”

According to her arrest warrant, a passerby noticed the soccer player passed out behind the wheel for more than an hour with the vehicle’s engine running and the two kids in the backseat.   

A responding officer detected the smell of alcohol, and the warrant said that Solo refused a field sobriety test and her blood was drawn instead.

Hope, Jerramy and the twins

Solo wed Jerramy Stevens, a former tight end for the Seattle Seahawks and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, in 2012. 

Solo’s attorney, Dick Nichols, has previously released a statement Friday.

“On the advice of counsel, Hope can’t speak about this situation, but she wants everyone to know that her kids are her life, that she was released immediately and is now at home with her family, that the story is more sympathetic than the initial charges suggest, and that she looks forward to her opportunity to defend these charges,” Dick Nichols said.

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Evidently the kids are her life and she takes them everywhere, even when she's allegedly drinking and driving. But let's not jump the proverbial gun--she may have a reasonable explanation why she was passed out in her alcohol-smelling vehicle.

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