Sunday, April 10, 2022

Dr. Oz on abortion: say what?

On Saturday at a rally in Selma, NC, former President Donald Trump endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz for senator in Pennsylvania. 

But is Dr. Oz. really a conservative or just a guy who's playing the part and is merely a salesman scamming the public? Is he really a "conservative Republican" as he describes himself?

The best way to answer this question is to ask whether or not Dr. Oz supports or opposes the right to life of the unborn because this is one of the most defining question all conservatives agree on.

When he announced his senatorial bid, Dr. Oz said that "as a surgeon" he "knows how precious life is." He even showed a video clip of him kissing a baby.

Dr. Oz has tried to put the issue to bed with an op-ed in the Washington Examiner.

“From the moment of conception to natural death, all life is a miracle,” the TV doctor wrote. “I have literally held a baby’s tiny beating heart in my hand. And in that very moment, it is impossible to deny how precious every life is.”

“I will be a bold voice in the Senate and a proud champion for the pro-life movement. I won’t ever shy away from sharing my pro-life beliefs, even as pro-abortion advocates in medicine, the media and Big Tech try to silence me,” he says now.

But he hasn't always said the same in the past.

In 2019 at a Breakfast Club interview he admitted that he was "really worried" about the Alabama law banning most abortions, including the case of a mother's life at risk, and he was against "heartbeat laws." At the time he said that a baby's heart is not beating in the womb but only sending "electrical charges." He was clear that he did not agree with those who say life begins at conception.

“At a personal level, I wouldn’t want anyone in my family to have an abortion. I told my kids this, I mean I love the lives that they’re creating so much that I personally wouldn’t want it. But I don’t want to interfere with everyone else’s stuff because it’s hard enough getting through life as it is,” he said, taking the same position as "Cafeteria Catholics" like Joe Biden and the late Mario Cuomo. 

It's like saying: "I'm personally against murder but it's your choice in the matter.

Last December, Dr. Oz appeared in a friendly Fox News interview in which he was asked several times when he believes life begins. His answer was that it begins "when you're in the mother's womb." That certainly happens after conception, if you know anything about biology, and Dr. Oz should--he's a doctor.

“If I’m pro-life, then that’s a decision that comes back to the sanctity of when you think life does begin. And I believe that begins when you’re in the mother’s womb,” he said.

“Life’s already started when you’re in your mother’s womb,” he asserted when challenged, “But it’s a rathole to get trapped in the different ways to talk about it.”


Soon after that interview, Oz tried to clean up his act and released a statement that basically said the same thing he wrote in his Examiner op-ed:

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“I believe life begins at conception. My whole life has been about saving lives. As a heart surgeon, I have held a beating heart in my hand, and I understand how precious life is — it’s why I am pro-life. As the senator for Pennsylvania, I will vote to protect the sanctity of life and the unborn.”

Well sure, this is what conservatives want to hear, but is it what Oz truly now believes after three years of singing a different tune?

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