Tuesday, April 12, 2022

After destroying his Oscars, Sean Penn is ready to destroy Russia's military and help Ukraine

Badass actor Sean Penn, 61, said he's thinking about helping Ukraine in their fight against the Russian invaders. This isn't a publicity stunt, just like his threat to smelt his two Oscars if Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy wasn't invited to speak at the Oscars was not a publicity stunt. Penn is serious and Penn is pissed, but he's still in the "thinking about" phase of his threat after Zelenskyy made his plea for help.

So far, Penn's Oscars remain safe.

Penn used to have a private gun collection consisting of 62 firearms. He has since given them up after a deep discussion with luminary and actress Charlize Theron. He then had a sculpture made from these weapons. 

The sculpture rendered the weapons useless, therefore Penn will not be able to use them to fight for the cause of freedom against the Russian scourge. Ironically,  he is now against the ownership of firearms by the public, but fortunately, Ukrainians don't necessarily go along with his philosophy and have picked up rifles to defend their homeland, as the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides for Americans.

Sean Penn's weapons collection made impotent but artsy

In a dramatic speech Penn made to Hollywood Authentic [which, of course, is an oxymoron] he bravely declared:
“The only possible reason for me staying in Ukraine longer last time would’ve been for me to be holding a rifle, probably without body armor, because as a foreigner, you would want to give that body armor to one of the civilian fighters who doesn’t have it or to a fighter with more skills than I have, or to a younger man or woman who could fight for longer or whatever. So, where I am in life is short of doing that, but if you’ve been in Ukraine [fighting] has to cross your mind. And you kind of think what century is this? Because I was at the gas station in Brentwood the other day and I’m now thinking about taking up arms against Russia? What the fuck is going on?”
Penn has been using the war in Ukraine to make a few bucks with a documentary showing what's going on there. He met with top Ukrainian officials including President Zelenskyy and asked how he could assist.

Zelenskyy posted a video on social media of his meeting with the future Oscar-smelting Penn. The caption said, “The more people know about the war in Ukraine, the more chances there are to stop Russia.”

“So, seeing Zelenskyy the day before invasion, I would say, it serves to reason that he would not have felt fully tested. And then seeing him the next day, it struck me that I was now looking at a guy who knew that he had to rise to the ultimate level of human courage and leadership. I think he found out that he was born to do that,” the anti-gun activist actor said.

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Penn said that his "intention is to go back into Ukraine," perhaps in camouflage, perhaps with body armor and night vision goggles, boots, the whole shebang. Who knows? He didn't say, but he's still against guns and that could spell trouble for him and for the plight of the Ukrainian people if he cannot save the day.

But what about those Oscars? We're still waiting.

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