Thursday, February 10, 2022

2 Race Hustlers Disagree on Significance of Trader Joe's Recent Steak Theft

Race hustler and leftist NY Times Magazine propagandist Nikole Hannah-Jones (NKJ) went after fellow racist, tax-evader and MSNBC host Al Sharptongue on Wednesday after he aired a discussion over New York City's serious problem with petty theft.

NKJ is the Marxist author of the ahistorical, anti-American "1619 Project." She went on Twitter criticizing the network for spending air time discussing the thief who was captured on video stealing steaks from a New York City Trader Joe's. While she fails to share her material goods with the public and the personal fortune she made with her racist writing, NKJ believes that others should share their possessions and wealth--that's how Marxist think.

"This drumbeat for continued mass incarceration is really horrific to watch. A person stealing steak is not national news, and there have always been thefts from stores. This is how you legitimize the carceral state," Hannah-Jones wrote in response to a tweet from Sharpton, which included a video clip of the Wednesday "Morning Joe" segment.

When a nation being led by people who allow rampant petty theft to go unpunished, causing more serious crime to grow and fester, it is national news. 

"An alleged shoplifter has been caught on tape appearing to steal 10 steaks from NYC Trader Joe’s. I joined MSNBC to speak on the need for public safety and to address criminal justice concerns," Sharptongue wrote.

During his discussion with MSNBC's Willie Geist, Sharpton expressed bewilderment at going to a local New York pharmacy and needing assistance to get toothpaste that's been locked up. This is like Joe Biden expressing bewilderment over people saying that he is in cognitive decline.

"What did I miss that we now have to lock up toothpaste?" Sharptongue asked.

Yes, if you don't want thieves to steal toothpaste, along with whatever else they can grab that adds up to less than $950, you have to lock it up. Ironically, the store that Geist was referring to, a Walgreen's, went out of business due to the unbridled thefts. 

Frustrated workers told the New York Post they were prevented from stopping him.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, noting New York City Mayor Eric Adams, D., was elected in part on a law-and-order message, appeared "surrounded by elected officials who want New York to remain chaotic." Sharptongue said he shared concerns of overloading jails with petty criminals, but he added there couldn't be a "culture where people are just at random robbing and stealing."

This upset NHJ, whose response to Sharptongue was completely out-of-touch with what urban Americans have been increasingly experiencing: skyrocketing crime and soaring theft rates that have become progressively worse. 

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Small and medium-size businesses are being destroyed, and while the left pretends to care for the "working class," they are the ones being hurt the most by theft that is practically encouraged under the lack of accountability for the crimes. And for the communities that are in these high theft neighborhoods, prices have gone up dramatically just for stores to stay in business to make up for the stolen goods.

So while the Commie NHJ would rather not discuss light-fingered theft and how it hurts the poor and middle-class the most, for once in his miserable, racist life, Al Sharpton has been on the right side of an issue.

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