Friday, January 7, 2022

Ugly as s**t former AOC aide goes off on "old as s**t, ineffective' Joe Biden

Some people are ugly on the inside.

Former top aide to the woman every conservative wants to sleep with, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Obviously-Conceited (Socialist-NY) went after alleged President Joe Biden warning that the old dithering brain addled codger has once again failed at connecting with the American people and could likely face a primary challenger if he's still around as the alleged President in 2024.

Corbin Trent, the No Excuses PAC founder told Fox News that he and anonymous others believe the economy and mess the country has become under this old fart, along with Biden's inability to speak a coherent sentence unless he's slamming Trump, doesn't look as bad as our eyes and ears tell us. See, part of the problem as Trent sees it is Biden's inability to communicate.

"One thing – polling – is behind that. We’re seeing with my version of the midterm outcome is not just my version. We’re seeing that the polls show the Republicans have a slight edge. That may be getting worse," he said. "We see Biden’s approval ratings going down and moving in the wrong direction."

By 'slight edge,' Trent means that the GOP should likely win 3 or more Senate seats and destroy the House Democratic majority in the coming midterms. By Biden's 'communication' problem, Trent means that Biden has lost the ability to think beyond an ice cream cone and "look."

"What we’re seeing right now is a Democratic Party that has done a lot for the American people and has largely been unable to articulate what it's doing and what it’s done. That is a real challenge."

By 'done a lot for the American people,' Trent is referring to the Covid lockdowns, loss of lives well beyond Trump's horrid numbers, BLM and Antifa riots that far exceeded the destruction of Jan. 6, high inflation that's slated to go higher under his crappy spending policy, and his handling of the Afghanistan clusterfrack while Americans are still stuck there. 

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Part of that problem, Trent said, is Biden continues to fail at making a cogent case for almost any of his policy proposals, even those implemented into law. Biden's issues, he told Politico, stem from being "being deeply unpopular, he's old as s--t… ineffective -- unless we’re counting judges or whatever the hell inside baseball scorecard we’re using."

Trent is such a lovely human being, isn't he?

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