Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Love n' Lost Cruise Ship Industry and Biden's Middle Finger

"Oh my God! It's COVID dead ahead1"

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the cruise ship industry like an iceberg, especially since much of their sinking numbers are self-inflicted. The problem stems from their robotic lockstep with federal dictates and suggestions from politicians with dysfunctional cerebral cortexes, with some names that rhyme with Blow Hidin' and Phony Grouchy, for example. Politicians and fake experts that want to impose "vaccine passports" on travelers so that they can magically not pass along the coronavirus even though vaccines do not stop its spread.

The only thing vaccine passports accomplish is to add a piece of memorabilia to our future scrapbooks under: "Stupid Things We Did In Days of Covid."

Cities such as New York, have not only vaccine passports, but also a vaccine mandate, the results of which have New York leading the entire freaking country in new coronavirus case at present. Again, vaccines help assuage the worst symptoms and may save your life when you contract Covid, but it does nothing for the spread. 

Former idiot Mayor de Blasio (C) called for young children to get the vaccine, in spite of all the evidence pointing to the fact that kids aren't at risk like adults, especially older adults with pre-existing conditions like obesity and diabetes. The Communist former mayor also wanted children to wear masks in school because a teacher's pink pussy hat does not protect her from the virus.

When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) fought against mask and vaccine mandates, the cruise ship industry symbolically flipped him off and even actively opposed him in court. Carnival and Royal Caribbean knelt at the alter of Dementia Joe, and they had no legal reason to do so.

But now the seagulls have come ashore to roost.

The CDC is currently recommending that people do not take cruise ships while the variant known as Omicron is spreading faster than Kamala Harris at a Willie Brown birthday bash. It's killing everyone in its path and will soon destroy mankind as we know it. Wait! I'm wrong--it appears to be no worse than a runny nose. 

It turns out that more people die from falling out of bed than Omicron. But the media tries to scare us by giving us the infection numbers rather than hospitalizations and deaths. 

The Washington Post tweeted:
CDC warns against cruising after 5,000 new coronavirus cases in past 2 weeks

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 30, 2021
Of these 5,000 cases, 0.0 people have died.

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The cruise ship companies could have taken Florida's and Texas' side in the Covid pandemic but they chose to be woke even when there was no data to support their decision. 

So let those cruise ship companies take the CDC's and Biden's side and let the executives go down with their ships. They deserve it and really, it's wonderful to see.

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