Saturday, January 15, 2022

SCOTUS denies 'ISIS bride' re-entry into her enemy's country

Hoda Muthana was born in New Jersey and was raised in Alabama where she went to college. When she was 20-years-old, she ditched her country and traveled to Syria where she joined the terrorist group ISIS. That was almost seven years ago.

Now Muthana wants to return to the U.S. where things are looking a whole lot better than it was for her as an ISIS bride whose sole duty was to pump out baby future terrorists. She married ISIS fighters, two of which had been killed, and had a son with one of them.

Muthana openly went on social media to celebrate her terrorism and her advocacy of violence. She proved her love for hate by burning her US passport on social median and tweeted her bile against the US.

“America desrves (sic) everything it has coming to it, by Allah we will terrorise (sic) YOU! Until you submit to the Shariah” the former college student tweeted.

“Spill all of their blood … or rent a big truck n drive over them. Kill them,” she also tweeted. What a lovely person--she thinks America would be lucky to have her butt SCOTUS disagreed.

Once ISIS collapsed, she ditched them and went to a Syrian refugee camp, according to Alabama News.

Maybe she thought the US forgot about what she had done and for whom was her allegiance, but we didn't. Her legal team, the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America said they will continue to fight [a word they often use] for the traitor's re-entry into the US, even after SCOTUS refused to hear her appeal her lawyers filed, as per the Washington Post.

While she was overseas, fighting for what she believed in: the dominance of Islam over the entire globe and the death to all Jews, the government determined that she wasn't a U.S. citizen due to her father's status as a diplomat for Yemen at the time of her birth.

It is not known to this writer whether any of her extra husbands are still alive, but it appears that it doesn't matter to her or her family as they are suing to try to have Muthana get her traitorous ass back to the states.

A federal judge confirmed in 2019 that the government's previous assessment that Muthana was not a citizen. The children of diplomats are not entitled to birthright citizenship in the U.S. And the fact that this POS woman burned her passport, promoted violence against Americans, and married as many ISIS terrorists that would have her, didn't bode well for her case.

Muthana voiced remorse and made a documentary, "The Return Life After ISIS," as People reported, but had ISIS conquered the Middle East and destroyed the armies of the West, how remorseful would she have been?

“When you are brainwashed, you don’t realize it until you snap out of it. I took everything too fast and too deep,” Muthana said. 

It's incredible how defeat snapped her out of it.

“I was not part of any type of jihad, never shot a gun, never used any weapons or anything,” Muthana said in 2019. Not counting the weapons of recruiting and psychology.

Many people aren't buying her "regrets" and have no sympathy for her.

“I’m not sympathetic. These women had agency. They’re not stupid,” Max Abrahms, a terrorism expert at Northeastern University, told People that same year. “They knew exactly what the Islamic State was all about. It was notorious for flaunting violence over social media.”

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Yet despite all these setbacks and the overwhelmingly unsympathetic attitude toward Muthana, her lawyers have said they will continue to fight for her case because that is their jihad

To be clear, Muthana is not a U.S. citizen according to the law, and she has no right to re-enter the country like a citizen. Her best bet is to go to Mexico and figure it out from there. Joe and Co. will look the other way.

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