Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Angry Hamassholes threaten to bomb Tel Aviv if prisoner starves himself to death: he will be

Islamic terrorist Hisham Abu Hawash has been on a hunger strike for 141 days and had he died in the Israeli prison where he is being held, the Islamic Jihad had threatened that "his death will lead to the bombing of Tel Aviv," because there's no way to say that all human life is precious than to kill as many innocent Jews as you can.

But fortunately for all involved, the bombing of innocent Jews by the Islamic Jihad, a mostly peaceful organization that only kills when it gets bored, will not happen. An agreement has been reached in which Israel and negotiators from Hamas and Islamic Jihad were successful. Jordan was also reportedly involved in the negotiations.

Abu Hawash was last arrested in late October. He is an Islamic Jihad operative, which means he's a terrorist who may or may not have been directly involved with killing Jews. He has been detained in Israel for eight years total, and of this time, 52 months were in administrative detention.

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The release for Abu Hawash is scheduled for February 26th of this year when his detention time is over. Israel has not disclosed the reason they are releasing him but it's a good bet that it had little or nothing to do with Islamic Jihad's threat to bomb Tel Aviv.

Abu Hisham, 40, is from the village of Dura near Hebron.

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