Monday, December 20, 2021

Taliban accidentally sends Christmas gift to Tajikistan-based opposition

This is funnier than a YouTube cat video or a Biden speech using his substitute word for "exponentially." 

The Taliban accidentally wired about $800,000 into the bank account of the Afghan Embassy in Tajikistan and now want them to return the money. The embassy told them to "stick it," and were not referring to the money as they refuse to give it back, just like the Taliban refused to give the U.S. back all the weapons and vehicles the Biden administration left behind when they ran out of Afghanistan.

It's karma and it's fabulous.

The mission, whose head has professed his allegiance to the deposed government and firm opposition to the Taliban, is laughing all the way to the bank.

Dushanbe-based news website Avesta reported last week, citing sources at the embassy, that the money had been earmarked by former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s government as funding for a school for refugee children in Tajikistan. When Ghani dashed out of Kabul with a carload of money he stole, however, the transfer did not go through.

The transfer of funds to the Dushanbe mission was later made all the same, Avesta reported. There is no clear indication the Taliban-run Finance Ministry knew of their hilarious screwup as their culture has not as yet discovered the calculator. 

A Eurasianet source at the Embassy confirmed that a transfer had indeed been made, but they put the figure at somewhere closer to $400,000 to minimize the screwup. The payment was made in September, the source said. 

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The Embassy source said the Taliban government wrote to them in November asking for the return of the money. This request has been rebuffed with drawings of middle fingers and male genitalia drawn in the margins of the communication.

The acting Afghan ambassador to Tajikistan, Zahir Aghbar, [aka Al Lou Aghbar] has emerged as a vocal opponent to the Taliban regime and has spoken in support of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, or NRF.

So it looks like the Taliban can whistle, if they discovered that process yet.

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