Thursday, October 21, 2021

Jen Psaki and Rachel Levine welcome "stiff competition" from China

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and 4-star Admiral Rachel Levine are facing serious backlash after the duo said they "welcome stiff competition" from China after being questioned about China's recent launch of an advanced nuclear-capable rocket that set Levine's panties ablaze in anticipation of what's to come as Psaki fumbled with her hair.

White House reporters asked Psaki [the "P" is not silent] what she thought of China's bold move and how it affects the United States in our military preparedness. Her response: "We need to lower our expectations. We've been number one in the world for too long and perhaps it's time for equity and allow another country to have that honor."

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Admiral Levine, a man who thinks he's a woman, was a guest at the White House Press briefing and had this to say: "I have always enjoyed Chinese culture and have even learned to eat with chop sticks. If they want to fire off a rocket, well I have a rocket, that is, the United States has rockets that they can deal with and they will be very surprised how big our rockets are."

Psaki turned to Levine with a nervous smile and then told the reporter, "I am not going to comment on the China launch because we don't have enough intelligence to make an assessment," to which Peter Doocy was heard mumbling under his mask, "You don't have enough intelligence to be a waitress much less a press secretary."

The briefing ended with all legacy media losing 15 IQ points.

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