Saturday, August 21, 2021

Bill Maher tries to compare Biden's pullout to Trump's stay in Afghanistan

"Real Time" host Bill Maher began his vulgar show by predictably attacking former President Trump. He claimed that "everything he did" as president was "f--ked up and crazy" but rather than giving honest examples of what he was referring to, he used the audience's feelings about Trump, to make his point. He said, again without giving examples, that ever since Joe Biden was elected and took office, "the adults are back in charge."

"The people who know what they're doing -- the Democrats -- and the pullout looks exactly … I can't think of how it could've looked any different if it was Trump. Honestly," Maher said. "I mean, how could it be more f---ed up? How could it be more incompetent? How could it be more Trumpian? So what do I say to myself when I sleep at night when the adults are back in charge and they f--- it up exactly as bad as Trump would?"

But Trump didn't pull troops out of Afghanistan. Instead, he listened to his military advisors, something that Biden refused to do. So Maher was, in effect, trying to prove a negative.

And what exactly did Trump do, outside of his crazy tweets and narcissistic statements, that wasn't reasonable political policy? It was the left who took away his freedom of speech on Twitter and other social media, and are busy trying to destroy the First Amendment.

In fact, the Democrats did everything they could to stop everything he tried, such as keeping illegal migrants in Mexico until they were properly processed. That's the adult thing to do but Biden undid that and the courts upheld Trump's decision and undid Biden's f--ked up reversal of it as migrants were pouring into the country unchecked for covid and unchecked for terrorist ties.

Trump is pro-America, pro-military and pro-police. Biden and the Democrats are anti-America and want to drastically cut military spending and defund the police. Who's the adult?

Maher mocked the GOP's anger toward Biden, citing Trump's call for his resignation and calls by the Republicans to invoke the 25th Amendment and impeachment if he leaves Americans and Afghan allies behind.

"The way they turn on a dime! It just shows no issue matters, it's just what team you're on." Maher said of the GOP, forgetting what Democrats and the media said about Trump the day he came down the escalator. But fortunately for him, the audience isn't exposed to other points of view--they blast Fox News, for example, without ever really watching it.

So Maher also 'turned on a dime' about Biden and predicted that his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan will "look good and brave" in the future. 

Maher left out the part about how Biden went about the withdrawal. 

Had Biden waited for winter when 'fighting season' was over, instead of trying to make a political statement about September 11th, and withdrew civilians before the military from a fortified Bagram Airport rather than Kabul, this probably would have been a better outcome than the brainless way he did it. 

Instead of having to beg and/or bribe the Taliban to allow Americans to enter Kabul airport, Biden should have told them that he will destroy them if they were anywhere near the withdrawal. 

"It was gonna happen, it had to happen and he was the one who f---in' pulled the Band-Aid off," Maher told the panel, in a ridiculous defense of the indefensible. 

It didn't have to happen that way. It didn't even have to happen at all because the Afghan military was finally doing the heavy lifting, in spite of Biden's insult to their bravery. We lost one American there on Feb. 8, 2020. No American has died there since. Can Chicago say the same?

Our presence in Afghanistan likely saved us from another 911, but there I go, trying to prove a negative and sounding like Bill Maher.

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