Sunday, July 11, 2021

Six possible names for the Washington Football Team

The Washington Football Team, formerly known as The Washington Redskins,  has become woke and will be changing their name and their logo, which will be revealed early next year. It isn't certain that a name has already been decided upon, but if not, I have several suggestions I would like to throw out there and would welcome any suggestions you, the American people, can come up with.

Normally, when you read an article with a list of items you're being asked to consider, the writer will have a long introduction before he or she gets to the meat of the article. I find that annoying and usually skim down to the items numbered to save time. So, without further ado, let's get to it.

1. The Washington Wokesters

This one was obvious and had to be the first mentioned. No longer is the NFL composed of gridiron warriors who are patriotic and have American values, the league has fallen victim to the whims of the far-Left and must be constantly aware of the possibility of being canceled as a billion dollar money cow.

2. The Washington Mostly Black Football Team.

If the NFL can get away with even temporarily naming The Washington Redskins 'The Washington Football Team,' describing the team based upon what woke society deems most important, skin color, seems appropriate for a woke group of footballers.

3. The Washington Kneelers

Because that's how conservatives see them at the playing of the National Anthem. The name is fitting and descriptive of what has become of our society. The team should be happy with this name as much as they are to kneel at the start of each game that has the audacity to play the "Star Spangled Banner."

4. The Capital Hit Squad.

This name not only honors the hitting that takes place in football, it honors the squad, a group of anti-Semitic, far-Left America-hating socialists with a combined IQ of an eggplant. In fact, if Washington doesn't adapt this name, perhaps Alexandria Obviously-Communist will on behalf of the girls.

5. The Washington Democrats.

Just sayin'. 

And finally the name I like the most:

6. The Washington Red Shins.

They get those shins from doing "Number 3" above. And c'mon, man. Look at how closely the name resembles The Washington Redskins without the horrible racist implications recently discovered by some pimple-face BS grad who took a time out from watching porn and doing a Jeffrey Toobin to call out the team of the nation's capital as racist.

So let's see what the team comes up with early next year--I can't wait. 

Team president Jason "I Can Do No" Wright said the team will come up with a new name and logo, but they will keep their traditional burgundy and gold colors rather than going to the LGBTQ+ rainbow colors they were seriously considering.

Thus far, there have been 40,000 submissions to a digital creative agency Code and Theory for the new name and logo, but I have no doubt that my readers will put those Leftists to shame, so don't be shy--go to the comments section on the homepage and submit your choices.

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