Saturday, March 6, 2021

Biden's DOJ nominee supports ditching the police

"No justice, no police." That seems to be the cry from some on the Lunatic Left.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned in a statement Thursday night that Vanita Gupta would make the country less safe for citizens and more safe for criminals based on her far-left policy of defunding the police.

“Vanita Gupta, President Biden’s nominee for Associate Attorney General, would make America less safe. She must be stopped,” Cotton tweeted on social media. “More than 83k Americans died from drug overdoses last year, but Gupta wants to ‘decriminalize’ possession of ALL drugs, even fentanyl. Opioids are already ravaging our communities—we shouldn’t give fentanyl, heroin, or cocaine dealers get-out-of-jail-free cards.”

“As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police,” Cotton continued. “Her allies in the jailbreak industry—who are clamoring for access to the Biden DOJ—are now trying to deny what she said. But see for yourself where Vanita Gupta stands on defunding the police.”

Sen. Cotton included a statement that Gupta made to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary last summer. Her statements were made concurrent to the Antifa and BLM riots that were perpetrated across the country in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, who likely died of a drug overdose while being arrested for a different crime.

Gupta said:
While front-end systems changes are important, it is also critical for state and local leaders to heed calls from Black Lives Matter and Movement for Black Lives activists to decrease police budgets and the scope, role, and responsibility of police in our lives. [My emphasis.]

As recently as last summer, Vanita Gupta called to defund the police. Her allies in the jailbreak industry—who are clamoring for access to the Biden DOJ—are now trying to deny what she said.

But see for yourself where Vanita Gupta stands on defunding the police:

— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) March 5, 2021
Cotton continued:
“No wonder Soros prosecutors like Chesa Boudin in San Francisco have endorsed Gupta. Gupta would promote their pro-crime agenda. Soros prosecutors caused a massive spike in crime in major cities across the country by refusing to prosecute criminals. Why would we trust their judgment for the Department of Justice? The Senate should be suspicious of anyone they endorse.”
The senator concluded by encouraging Biden to withdraw Gupta's nomination and select someone who would "uphold the law."

The Washington Free Beacon pointed out that there are potential conflicts of interest with Gupta’s nomination to a top DOJ spot, which she withheld from the U.S. Senate.

“Her father is Rajiv L. Gupta, a chemicals magnate turned Wall Street adviser and board member for Fortune 500 companies,” the report said. “Gupta made no mention of her father’s sprawling corporate network on a Senate Judiciary Committee questionnaire that asked her to identify prospective conflicts, despite the fact that the Justice Department has repeatedly sparred with her father’s businesses in recent years.”

Legal Newsline this week reported that Attorneys General from five states are urging Biden to withdraw Gupta's nomination for associate AG, which is the number three position at the DOJ.
“Ms. Gupta’s past comments and track record have demonstrated her disinterest in meaningful police reform in favor of destructive policies that would defund the police,” the AGs from Indiana, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas wrote in a March 1 letter to the president. “ Her nomination will further divide our nation instead of implementing policies to protect our communities and support law enforcement.”
The letter said that while some of Gupta’s backers claim she supports police, past comments show that she actually supports defunding the police.

“In fact, she wants to get away from a ‘policing approach’ and has urged Congress to ‘redirect government dollars away from policing practices rooted in the criminal-legal system,’ the AGs wrote. “Calling on Congress to shift resources from police to other priorities is a call for defunding the police, and that is not something Americans support. This is a time when our local law enforcement agencies need additional resources, not fewer.”

The Federalist reported that in September Gupta’s interest group, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, urged Congress to “redirect government dollars away from policing practices rooted in the criminal-legal system and carceral state and toward practices that reflect a vision of public safety that promotes community health and rebuilds trust.”

Yes, one can safely say that "redirecting" government money away from "policing practices" is the same thing as defunding the police. If you remove my wallet from my back pocket and redirect my money from it, you've defunded me, even if you used that money to buy something for your momma.

In March 2019, Gupta's organization published a 416-page report calling to remove police in all schools, and advocated for “community policing” over “real” policing measures carried out by trained law enforcement.

“Police officers should have no role in student disciplinary matters,” the report posits. “Even leaders who express a commitment to community policing sometimes view it as separate and distinct from ‘real’ law enforcement. Some delegate the task of cultivating community relationships to a handful of officers and assign others to patrolling streets and responding to calls.”

Of course, it all becomes "real" law enforcement the moment the law is broken and violence begins.

While I don't know this as fact and I'm just spitballing, I suspect Gupta's two sons, if they are of school-age, attend private schools with good security. If you know this as fact, or that I'm mistaken, please feel free to comment.

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