Sunday, January 3, 2021

Rob Reiner says GOP lawmakers challenging election will be "committing sedition and treason"

Leftist Hollywood dolt who got his start playing in "All in the Family" as Archie Bunker's son-in-law referred to as "Meathead," has finally perfected that role. Reiner is attacking GOP lawmakers for doing the exact same thing Democrats have done a number of times in the past, starting in 1969 when both they and the Republicans wanted to get rid of the electoral college.

Now Meathead is attacking the Republicans who plan to challenge the electoral college results and is accusing them of committing "sedition and treason."

Sedition is defined as "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarchy." 

Treason is "the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign of overthrow the government."

Sorry, I don't see it. Neither definition applies to the notion of challenging or questioning the results of the electoral college. The Republicans are not trying to overthrow the country or betray it. They don't want to kill President-elect Joseph Robinette Biden--he will likely be leaving office before finishing his first term if his mental capacity continues its spiral down at the same rate it appears to be going. All the Republicans want to do is to take a good, hard look at how the election turned out the way it did.

Meathead has constantly called Trump a Russian asset, a claim that has been disproved and should embarrass anyone who continues to make it. But meatheads don't embarrass easily, I suppose.

“Every Senator and Congressperson who votes to overturn the election will be committing an act of Sedition and Treason. Their names will be recorded for history,” Reiner wrote.

Funny, Reiner and the Democrats didn't oppose it when members of their Party did the same thing in the past. In fact, the prior three times a Republican was elected president [Trump in 2016, and George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004], House Democrats' heads exploded and they objected to the electoral votes in states Republicans won.

 In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, (D-CA), along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs (D-OH), objected to Bush's 2004 electoral votes in Ohio. 

Thus, the chambers were forced to leave their joint session and debate separately for two hours on whether to reject Ohio's electoral votes. Neither did, but the objection by Boxer and Tubbs serves as a modern precedent for what is likely to happen in Congress on Jan. 6 and the blatant hypocrisy on the part of the Democrats where some praised Boxer's move including Sen Dick Durbin (D-IL) on the Senate floor:
"Some may criticize our colleague from California for bringing us here for this brief debate. I thank her for doing that because it gives members an opportunity once again on a bipartisan basis to look at a challenge that we face not just in the last election in one State but in many States."
But who went hard on Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for challenging the electoral college results:
"The political equivalent of barking at the moon. This won’t be taken seriously, nor should it be. The American people made a decision on Nov. 3rd and that decision must and will be honored and protected by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives."

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is another hypocrite who previously praised Boxer:
"I believe that Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) have performed a very valuable public service in bringing this debate before the Congress. As Americans, we should all be troubled by reports of voting problems in many parts of the country," Van Hollen, who was then a House member, said in a press release. "I have been particularly concerned about the lack of a verifiable paper record in connection with electronic voting systems. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of legislation to solve that problem."
House Speaker Nancy "Frenetic Paws" Pelosi (D-CA), made similar comments at a Wednesday press conference.:

"I have no doubt that on next Wednesday, a week from today, that Joe Biden will be confirmed by the acceptance of the vote of the Electoral College as the 46th president of the United States," she said.

But in 2005 on the House floor Pelosi said lauded Boxer's challenge

"Today we are witnessing Democracy at work. This isn't as some of our Republican colleagues have referred to it, sadly, as frivolous. This debate is fundamental to our democracy," she said at the time. "The representatives of the American people in this house are standing up for three fundamental American beliefs: The right to vote is sacred; that a representative has a duty to represent his or her constituents; and that the rule of law is the hallmark of our nation."

Pelosi, however, made clear that "under the rule of law today this House will accept the election of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. ... There is absolutely no question about that. This isn't about in any way rejecting that outcome. ... It is instead to discuss the real problems with our electoral system."

Back to Meathead Reiner--he tweeted:
Every Senator and Congressperson who votes to overturn the election will be committing an act of Sedition and Treason. Their names will be recorded for history.

— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 2, 2021
Yes, whenever a Congressman votes, their votes are recorded for history; Reiner got that one correct. The treason and sedition part, not so much. Leftists like to think that whenever someone disagrees with what they want, those people are committing some crime against the country. 

Except when their side does the same thing.

A number of Republicans in the Senate and House plan to challenge the electoral college results on January 6th. They cite allegations of voter fraud, poor enforcement of voting laws, as well as other irregularities in the election.

At least 140 House Republicans are expected to join the effort to challenge the results, Breitbart News reported.

Reiner’s claim that GOP lawmakers will be committing “sedition and treason” is stupid and has no basis in law. 

Was it not sedition and treason four years ago when several House Democrats objected to the electoral college results of Trump’s 2016 presidential victory?

Rob Meathead Reiner has made numerous and unfounded accusations against President Trump, calling him a murderer and a white supremacist on social media. The man has no credibility.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny, no joke. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon, check out the ads and give them a good, hard clicking.


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