Sunday, November 15, 2020

San Francisco wants a bill to fine people for smoking in their own apartments

In San Francisco one may not smoke in public, no matter how isolated the smoker is doing the deed. Now the city, where the silk voiced Tony Bennett left his heart, is considering a bill to ban smoking in one's own home, if they live in an apartment. It's as if they are going from a smoking area, to a smoking dot.

According to Reason, the city's Board of Supervisors are considering such a bill and on Thursday voted to advance it. What's next, mandating masks to be worn at home?

The bill these dictators are pushing “would ban smoking inside private dwellings located in apartments with three or more units,” the outlet reported. And it would also apply to vaping and even marijuana in private dwellings, The San Francisco Examiner reported

Bill sponsor Supervisor Norman Yee, said in a tweet that the goal of the bill was to “help residents avoid being exposed to secondhand smoke in their own homes.” And to power grab whenever possible.

“Smoke easily moves between units and buildings. Now that more of us work from home, it’s more important than ever because there is no way to contain it,” Yee yapped. 

This bill will not affect other addicted folks such as heroin-only addicts. The will continue to be provided with clean needles and pats on the back.

“San Francisco currently bans smoking in the enclosed common areas of multi-unit buildings. Yee’s proposal extends this to the interiors of those buildings’ private homes, as well as to balconies and patios,” Reason reported.

People who violate the ban will first receive a warning shot across their brow. Then if their addiction causes them to light up or vape, they could face fines up to $1,000 but on a positive note, if they can still afford the rent, they will not be evicted.

The way San Francisco is headed, people who waste water flushing their toilet by refusing to "let it mellow when it's yellow," may eventually pay stiff fines.

If San Francisco's budget shortfall of $1.7 billion isn't satisfied this year, as the intelligentsia continue to abandon the decaying city, you can bet they will brilliantly come up with the solution to raise city taxes and lose even more people.

“During the first year of the ban, the Department of Public Health would also be required to run a “multilingual and culturally responsive public information campaign to raise awareness of the smoking prohibition and cessation resources,” Reason reported. “Sixty-three California cities have implemented similar bans. Yee’s proposal is endorsed by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Heart Association, the San Francisco Tobacco-Free Coalition, all of which have issued letters in support,” not including dictators Nicolas Maduro and Kim Jong Un.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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