Monday, November 16, 2020

If Biden gets away with a win, he promises to flood the country with refugees by a lot

Joseph Robinette Biden claims Trump's immigration policies are fraught with fear-mongering and xenophobia--fear that foreigners will scarf up jobs that benefit legal immigrants, and xenophobic feelings defined as patriotism.

The not-yet-president-elect jabbered about "plans" to greatly increase the number of annual refugees admitted to the United States. Currently, the maximum number permitted per year is 15,000. These are refugees, people who were allegedly in danger living in their home country, not legal immigrants. Biden would increase that number to 125,000 per year.

Biden made the ridiculous statement in a prerecorded video created for a virtual celebration of the 40th anniversary of Jesuit Refugee Service in the safety of his basement, far away from the deadly China virus that he has no real plan to eradicate.

If this brain-addled geriatric escapee, who cannot put a coherent sentence together, becomes our next president, you can bet your butt he will provide full entitlements to these refugees as well as illegal aliens who sneak into the country, all at the taxpayer's expense. 

Politicians never, ever pick up the check or have to abide by the laws they create for us.

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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