Sunday, November 15, 2020

Pope Francis okay with pro-abortion Biden; not okay with pro-life Trump

Joe flashes his pearly white dentures
as the Pope flips him the wrong finger

No matter what you think of President Donald Trump's personality, his narcissism, his straightforward brashness, his counter-punching anyone who messes with him, at least he doesn't pretend to be a religious person and then advocate late stage abortion. Trump is pro-life and that should be all you would need to know about him as the leader of the free world, compared to a fraud, who may be taking over as U.S. President, Joseph Robinette Biden. [Yes, that's his real middle name.] 

Biden has no problem calling himself a Catholic while advocating for abortion on demand and late-term abortion. He has been denied holy communion over this issue in the past, but Pope Francis, the political pope, would rather see Biden as POTUS than Trump.

Francis congratulated Democratic nominee Joe Biden for his still unconfirmed electoral victory on Thursday, and Biden flashed his Joker smile and said he intends to work with the pope on climate change, poverty and immigration--all issues the pope is expert at solving based on his knowledge of "the science," economics and immigration issues that he gained in the seminary and at his socialist birth place, Argentina.

Biden thanked the pope for “extending blessings and kudos for beating the pro-life President Trump, but the results of the election are in dispute and evidence is coming out every day showing how there were improprieties and fraud which is being challenged. However, Biden told Francis that he appreciated his sentiments and his not paying attention to the abortion thingy, and he remembered to add that he extolled the pope for his  “leadership in promoting peace, reconciliation, and the common bonds of humanity around the world.”

Francis is among several European mucky-mucks who have dismissed the ongoing election fraud investigation and reached out to the mentally withering Biden to affirm his self-declared victory, despite the absence of it being official as yet.

Other leaders who have congratulated Biden included British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, all of whom never liked Trump and would like to see a mentally inferior U.S. President in his place.

Pope Francis is the first pope to support those who support baby killing and may be the first to support socialism.

Even the Roman Catholic bishop of Knoxville, Tennessee urged Biden to change his stance on abortion but the President un-elect basically flipped him off.

Bishop Stika tweeted:
“A question for Mr. Biden. At your judgement before God, how will you explain changing your position about abortion and how will you explain promoting no limits and allowing all protections removed protecting the most innocent?”
“Will you tell God you supported the ultimate child abuse because of the [American] Constitution?” Stika added. “I wonder what God must have asked many leaders throughout the centuries? Government over human rights and the taking of innocent lives. Many Catholics will need to answer this the first of many questions about the poor, the starving etc.”
Pope Francis evidently believes that Trump's border wall is not Christian, but killing babies in the womb is okay as long as you don't see it happening. 

C'mon, man, gimme a break. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear. C'mon.

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