Friday, October 23, 2020

Joe Biden is a fracking liar

Joe Biden apparently will say anything to anyone depending on what he believes they need to hear that will get him their vote. That is exactly what he tried to get away with in the second presidential debate.

When President Trump said that Biden would end fracking, an environmentally clean way to remove oil from the earth, the former Vice President denied he ever said it. 

At that moment, Trump probably should have asked Biden if he was lying or if he simply forgot he said it.

But Biden said it and he said it clearly. That was when he was trying to grab the Bernie Sanders' communist followers.

In the first video [below] President Trump played video of Biden and his running mate, Kamala "HaHaHa" Harris both asserting that they would end fracking and the fossil fuel industry. 

The Democrats are hoping your memory is short or you're as gullible as the frog climbing on the back of the scorpion to cross the creek.

This should leave no doubt that the left will do to the oil industry what the Japanese did to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Anyone living in Pennsylvania, Ohio or Texas, if they care for their economy, should not vote for these clowns. 

Fox News' "The Five," a show that's becoming increasingly more difficult to watch unless you put Juan Williams on 'mute,' had their take back in September regarding the Biden fracking plan. 

The video [below] is a quick take on Biden in this regard.  Note how Williams seems like a deer caught in the headlights when the question is put to him. But the best part is Greg Gutfeld's take.

So if you want to know who won the debate on Thursday, I believe Trump did, without a doubt. He was disciplined and prepared. 

The one thing I believe he needed to do, however, is put more meat on the bone when speaking about an issue. He often says things in such a way that he leaves out the background, as if the entire audience is familiar with the "story" he's telling. For example, when he mentioned that Biden would ban fracking, had he told the story of when and where he said he would ban it, the denial he ever said it would ring false.

It's too late to change anything now, but let's not forget that Trump won the presidency and he. just. might. go. all. the. way. again!

Vote. Do not think your vote is unimportant. If every Republican thought that way, Trump will lose. 

Vote like your future depends on it.

Because it does.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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