Saturday, October 24, 2020

AOC upset with POTUS for calling her AOC


Alexandria Obviously-Comatose, who goes by the initials AOC, is upset with President Donald J. Trump for referring to her by her initials rather than "Hey, bring me a seltzer water, please," or "Congresswoman."

Although she is known by the far-left as AOC, she does not want to give President Donald J. Trump the privilege of referring to her thusly. Now AOC doesn't even want others in government to refer to her as AOC, and some will forthwith refer to her as "Comrade Alex." 

President Donald J. Trump, on the other hand, is now demanding that AOC refer to him as "Leader of the Free World." He has even been gracious enough to allow her to call him President Donald John Trump," is she so wishes, but not simply "Trump," or anything else deemed by President Donald J. Trump as derogatory.

In a tweet after the presidential debate between President Donald J. Trump and "Sleepy" Joe Biden, AOC implied that the President and other Republicans are sexist is they don't refer to her by her title: Rep. AOC, or something along those silly lines.

“I wonder if Republicans understand how much they advertise their disrespect of women in debates when they consistently call women members of Congress by nicknames or first names while using titles & last names when referring to men of = stature. Women notice. It conveys a lot,” she tweeted disrespectfully.

“AOC is a name given to me by community & the people. Y’all can call me AOC. Government colleagues referring to each other in a public or professional context (aka who don’t know me like that) should refer to their peers as ‘Congresswoman,’ ‘Representative,’ etc. Basic respect 101,” she continued, trying to sound cool with her "y'alls" and all.

When you have to ask for respect, you probably don't deserve any.

Responses to AOC's silliness were mixed.

“AOC is not a nickname, they’re your initials. JFK is also not a nickname. The FBI, again, is not a nickname. You can maybe say that Trump should’ve still used your official title, but Obama was also referenced sans title, and you don’t see him whining about it on Twitter…” tweeted Lauren Chen. 

ACB [Amy Coney Barrett] is not a nickname either, just like RBG or FBI aren't.

“He called Joe Biden ‘Joe.’ Get over yourself,” tweeted Daily Wire podcast host Michael Knowles. 

AOC is an idiot who will scour the sewers of creation to find something to offend her.

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