Monday, September 7, 2020

Shin Bet: Hamassholes recruited Arab-Israeli to place bomb at central Israel bus stop

Not all terrorists are Muslim, but it seems that all Israeli terrorist are and they have the market cornered in that sense.

Shin Bet [Israel's equivalent to our FBI] said on Monday that they arrested Mahmoud Maqdak, an Arab-Israeli scumwafer recruited by the Palestinian Hamassholes. His job was to place an explosive device at a public bus stop in central Israel.

Maqdak was arrested along with nine members of his family and acquaintances on suspicion of either knowing about, or assisting in the planning of the attack. Most of those arrested live in Segev Shalom, a Bedouin town in southern Israel near Be'er Sheva.

According to Shin Bet, Hamas contacted Maqdak sometime in 2019 following his marriage to an adult woman who lives in the Gaza Strip. Hamas evidently exploited Maqdak's ability to freely cross Israel's border with Gaza to gather information, including the locations of the Iron Dome defense systems.

Maqdak received money transfers from the terrorist organization on several occasions and he also underwent military training whereby he learned to assemble explosive devices aimed at killing Jews, including men, women and children. He was eventually instructed to carry out a terror attack in Israel.

According to Shin Bet, he purchased explosive materials with intentions to build a bomb last June and began searching for the location of the potential attack, while remaining in constant contact with operatives in Gaza. He picked a bus stop at Bilu Junction near the city of Rehovot as the place for the attack.

He eventually went back on his decision to carry out the bombing and burned the explosive materials he purchased for the device. He was arrested by the security services shortly after.

His brother, Ahmad [who was named after Jeff Dunham's dummy] knew of Maqdak's Hamasshole connection, but hey, it wasn't like he was going to kill anyone other than "the Jooooze!" He did nothing to stop the bombing. In fact, the dummy helped Maqdak gather intelligence for Hamas and even took photos of Iron Dome systems and recorded movement of military aircraft as well as filming locations of bus stops near Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) bases.

The bros were charged on Monday with conspiring to commit a series of grave security offenses that would have likely put many Jews in their graves.

Other family willie foo-foos are accused of helping Maqdak obtain two components for the construction of the bomb.

"This is further evidence of Hamas military wing's efforts to establish terrorist infrastructure in Israel as part of its systematic and extensive campaign against the West Bank and Israel," said a senior Shin Bet official. "This demonstrates Hamas continues its strategy to destabilize the region, despite the ongoing [ceasefire] efforts."

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