Sunday, September 6, 2020

Italian study reports: Hydroxychloroquine reduces COVID-19 death risk by 30 percent

A report in discusses a study from Pozzilli, Italy indicating that the hydroxychloroquine discussion needs to be revisited. The researchers found that the drug significantly reduces COVID-19 hospital death risks. 

“We observed that patients treated with hydroxychloroquine had a 30% lower in-hospital mortality rate compared to those not receiving this treatment,” the lead study author Augusto Di Castelnuovo said in a media release. Di Castelnuovo is an epidemiologist with IRCCS Neuromed at the Mediterranean Neurological Institute.

The report in the European Journal of Internal Medicine, observed outcomes of 3,451 covid patients in 33 hospitals focused on the virus in hospitals throughout Italy. It also included researchers from the University of Pisa.

The ream reached their conclusions by considering data from current and prior diseases, and therapies used prior to the pandemic, as well as drugs being provided in hospitals specifically intended to fight COVID-19. After evaluating drug improvements and final outcomes, the results consistently showed a benefit in using hydroxychloroquine.

“Our data were subjected to extremely rigorous statistical analysis, taking into account all the variables and possible confounding factors that could come into play. The drug efficacy was evaluated in various subgroups of patients,” Di Castelnuovo said, challenging the doubters.

Some reports say that hydroxychloroquine on works in specific situations and only at certain times, but this report disputes those claims. It also make the Trump detractors look foolish, but that's only because they are. They would rather bash the drug of which Trump spoke highly about, than give him any credit for bringing out to the public.

“The positive results of hydroxychloroquine treatment remained unchanged,” the study author adds. “Especially in those patients showing a more evident inflammatory state at the moment of admission to hospital.”

Study authors stress the importance of identifying all possible COVID-19 therapies during this time when a vaccine is still unavailable. They point out that a few months ago the World Health Organization (WHO) used an international observational study to conclude hydroxychloroquine should not be used to treat COVID-19 patients. That WHO study has since been retracted, reminiscent of the "don't wear a mask" recommendation from Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Neuromed Department of Epidemiology and Prevention Director Licia Iacoviello points out studies in other countries use larger doses of hydroxychloroquine. Those studies show unsuccessful results in patients and thus suggests that the  right dosage may make a big difference in outcomes.

“It is interesting to note that the doses of hydroxychloroquine adopted in Italy (200 mg, twice a day) are lower than the ones used in those researches,” Iacoviello reports.

Researchers believe more studies and clinical trials are needed to determine what role the drug will continue to play during the covid pandemic and hope it will inspire international debate and research.

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