Friday, September 4, 2020

Portland shooter suspect killed during arrest

A former newspaper known as The New York Times reported that Michael F. Reinoehl was shot and killed when a federal fugitive task force tried to arrest him. It is unknown how many rounds were fired at the guy who allegedly killed a pro-police demonstrator in cold blood, but it shouldn't be surprising if it's significantly more than four.

Reinoehl, 48, was an Antifa sympathizer and a prime suspect in the fatal shooting of Aaron "Jay" Danielson, a Patriot Prayer supporter in Portland, OR in August. Reinoehl died in Lacey, WA, near Seattle, during a federal task force operation.

In this case, what allegedly goes around, allegedly comes around.

DISCLAIMER: Not all scumcrumpets are Antifa members, but all Antifa members are scumcrumpets.

Portland Police issued an arrest warrant for Reinoehl earlier in the day, amid their investigation into the Aug. 29 fatal shooting of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, on a night in which supporters of President Trump clashed with backers of the Black Lives Matter movement in Portland.

Earlier Thursday, Reinoehl was quoted in an interview on the Vice website, claiming he was a marked man, like the marked man he allegedly shot twice and killed.

“They’re out hunting me,” the alleged murderer and father of two told an independent reporter in the interview posted Thursday by Vice. He apparently was hoping everyone reading the post would feel sorry for him.

“There’s nightly posts of the hunt and where they’re going to be hunting. They made a post saying the deer are going to feel lucky this year because it’s open season on Michael right now.”

Notice how the narrative only goes one way. They never mention why the law is looking for him. They never mention that he was slated to be arrested, not shot and killed unless he posed a violent threat to the officers.

Reinoehl admitted to journalist Donovan Farley in the interview that he had no regrets about firing his weapon last weekend. 

But he didn't just "fire" his freaking weapon, he [allegedly] fired it at a young man who didn't deserve to die.

“I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit,” he said. By "exit" he meant "run like hell from the scene before the cops showed up."

The scumcrumpet was a regular participant in the nightly Portland protests that have been going on since May 25, after the death of George Floyd in police custody. Reinoehl was apparently involved in several fights during the riots.

In July, Reinoehl was shot while trying to wrestle a gun away from a stranger, and he was also cited for allegedly carrying a loaded gun to a protest on July 5, according to The Oregonian.

On July 26 the irresponsible father of two was wounded in a brawl in a downtown Portland park. 

In an online post from June 16, Reinoehl described himself as being "100 % ANTIFA all the way!" 

There should be little doubt that Reinoehl was a disturbed individual who believed in a Marxist agenda and that America is a terrible place. In other words, he had no grasp on economics, nor did he know much about American history and world history.

Prior to Thursday's law enforcement action, the assertion that Reinoehl was a person of interest in the Danielson shooting came from the his own sister and an anonymous law enforcement source.

Chandler Pappas, the victim's friend, told The Common Sense Conservative that he was with Danielson as part the Patriot Prayer group in downtown Portland on Saturday. After a while, counter-protesters arrived in the area and the two groups got into a tense confrontation that escalated into violence. [See the video below.]

"It takes a second for you to process everything that happened. 'Did he just shoot at me?'" Pappas said while standing in front of a Blue Lives Matter flag. "I'm OK. I turn over and Jay's dead because he believed something different. Jay's not a racist, a xenophobe or whatever. He's not an 'ist' or 'ism.'"

"They executed my parter," he said. "They hunted him down."

Well, with Reinoehl dead, there's another excuse for the rioters to get a new pair of Michael Jordans or something cool in electronics, or new threads.

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