Friday, September 4, 2020

Anonymous sources tell Brain Flushings Biden said Harris smells good and is a smart black woman

"Does this mask make me look smart?"
Seven anonymous sources, who obviously worry that if their identities are discovered, the Biden campaign will fire them, told Brain Flushing's ace reporter Rusty Zipper, that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden told them behind closed doors that he would like to get his running mate, Kamala Harris behind closed doors and "do the dirty" with her.

"I mean, look," Biden said, "she's neat, she's smart and she's black, although I think she's also part Indian. C'mon, man, who wouldn't want to do the dirty with her? Right? I'm not joking," he allegedly said.

This story should put to bed the rumors that Biden tries to put to bed the women folk whenever he can, or at least think about it. But Tara Reade was unavailable for comment, which was a big disappointment to Rusty.
"I was that little girl, you racist jerk"
One source said, "I initially thought he was kidding. I almost couldn't believe he was being for real and then I remembered what he said about Barack; you know, that he was clean and well spoken and all. So yeah, my ears were not deceiving me."

A second source told Zipper that "he prefaced his words by telling us it was off the record. He doesn't realize that nothing is off the record once you step out of your basement."

Zipper was able to get a reply by Ms. Harris, who is running for eventual president once Biden steps down. She said, "Joe is Joe, you know. You sometimes can't tell when he's kidding or when he's being serious. All I can say is that if he asked me to do something for him, anything, I would be delighted."

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