Saturday, September 5, 2020

NYC restaurants combine in a lawsuit against Cuomo and Comrade de Blasio

There doesn't seem to be a rationale anymore to keep New York City restaurants closed. The cases and deaths in the state and city have gone to almost zero and the curve has flattened. But the two "geniuses," Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Comrade Bill de Blasio [aka Warren Wilhelm, Jr.] insist that opening restaurants is bad for the presidential election outcome as far as they're concerned.

They didn't actually say that, but anyone following politics knows it's true.

Cuomo refuses to allow restaurants to open until he has his 4,000-officer social-distancing task force in place and ready to write tickets and/or haul in miscreants who get too close.

The rules, however, will not apply to Democratic politicians, local, state and federal. They can do whatever they need to do to keep America safe.

Over 350 restaurants in the Big Apple have joined a $2 billion class action lawsuit against Democrats de Blasio and Cuomo over the city's ban on indoor dining. The suit argues that the idiots in charge of New York have done "irreparable harm" with the irrational shutdown measure. 

With cold weather approaching, and rain a regular occurrence, there's no way restaurant goers are going to want eat outdoors. New Yorkers don't even like to do that when they're camping.

New York state has opened up indoor dining everywhere but the city, where diners must eat outdoors. Restaurants generally operate on the edge of their profit margins and this ridiculous city mandate will put them out of business. But the election is only about two months away and it seems that this is what these cretins are waiting for, damn the torpedoes and the restaurant owners.

The lawsuit was filed Thursday, and on Friday, Cuomo said in a media call, that he would not cave on the issue until the NYPD had a 4,000-strong task force of officers to enforce social distancing guidelines for the city in place, according to Reason.

The nation's Communist mayor would rather spend taxpayer money on painting "Black Lives Matter" in front of Trump's building, than fund the police--he stripped them of funding by $1 billion, slightly more than the amount of money his wife, Charline McCray lost [it cannot be accounted for, so that's lost as I see it] on a $850 million mental health project.

New Jersey, the neighboring state, is allowing for indoor dining in their restaurants, and all New York City restaurant establishments can do is look at them across the river and feel miserable.

Joe Oppedisano, owner of Il Bacco in New York City, about 500 feet from Long Island's Nassau county where indoor dining is allowed, spearheaded the lawsuit.

New York City's five boroughs are the only areas in the entire state where indoor dining is prohibited, in spite of the fact that the percentage of positive COVID-19 tests is similar to the entire state. And worse, there are no plans, no timeline or rationale, to reopen indoor dining.

Let's hope the restaurants win the lawsuit and these idiots in charge are voted out of office.

But it's New York. They would vote for a pile of dog crap if it was shaped in the letter "D," to paraphrase Nancy Pelosi.

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