Friday, September 25, 2020

NY Times typist warns Compromised Nonsense News of potential civil war if Trump wins

New York Times typist Tom Friedman thinks the country might be on the verge of a "potential second Civil War" over the Trump-Biden presidential election. Fortunately, Friedman generally has no idea what he's talking about so it would be wise not to take him seriously.

The hunt-and-peck typist said Trump's remarks from Wednesday whereby he danced around whether he'd commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose sounded like a "six-alarm fire" to him. However, the words of Hillary Clinton, in which she advised Biden not to concede in the election "no matter what," merely made his groin itch, or perhaps it was that gas station toilet seat.

Trump told a possible reporter in a White House news conference that he'd have to "see what happens" after the election first, because he just can't bring himself to not be controversial--it isn't only how he rolls, it's how he persuades. "You know that I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster," he said.

CNN's host and son of the late Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper, blew Friedman's mind by asking if he really meant what he asserted.

“Yeah,” Friedman answered with street lingo. “The president of the United States has told us, ‘Either I win the election or I delegitimize the election.’ Those are your choices, folks.” He added he was “surprised and shocked” by the remarks, which Friedman made up off the top of his semi-useless head.

Actually, the "reporter" asked Trump "Win, lose or draw in this election, will you commit today for a peaceful transfer of power after the election?" The reporter apparently assumed that Sleepy Joe would win the election based on how he worded the question. [start at about 8:35 of the video to see the entire conversation.]

"Well, we're going to have to see what happens," Trump responded. "As you know, I've been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster."

The "reporter" jumped on his answer and interrupted with, "I understand that, but people are rioting. Commit to make sure that there's a peaceful transfer of power."

"Get rid of the ballots and there will be a very peaceful, there won't be a transfer frankly, there will be a continuation . . . " 

Friedman read Trump's mind and said he was also trying to “break people’s will” with the remarks, so voters might say “‘What the heck, he wants it so bad, just give it to him.'”

Actually, what he was telling the "reporter" was that he believes he's going to win the election and that if the election did not seem fair, he would see what he might do. That isn't a threat, it's a reasonable remark, unlike Hillary Clinton's to Biden about not abiding by the decision of the people.

He said he thinks Trump will inevitably dispute the election results unless he’s named the winner. 

“If you’re not frightened now, if you are not terrified for what could happen, it’s not ‘We might have a disputed election.’ It is, ‘We are going to have a disputed election, almost certainly,’ unless Trump wins, in which case I shudder to think what four more years of this would be like,” he said in a scary Halloween voice, because fear is the best persuader, the best motivator--think COVID 19 and how the government has us jumping through fiery hoops.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday assured us that there would be "an orderly transfer of power" in January, just as it has been "every four years since Washington was elected for a second term in 1792."

Even Joe Biden should know that--he was there.

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