Sunday, September 27, 2020

Al Sharptongue was glad ACB's kids came to the ceremony "because I couldn't find too many other people of color" there

A person with an anxiety disorder tends to see the world as a dangerous place. For a depressive person, well, the world is a miserable place and nothing ever seems to go right. For a race-hustling, agitating, anti-White person, an individual's skin color is all that matters and tells the racist everything he needs to know about the person.
In this case, the racist is Al Sharpton. Some give him the honorific of "Reverend," but he doesn't deserve it because he doesn't see all of G_d's children as equal and beautiful. He's even an anti-Semite, which would have disturbed Jesus of Nazareth.

Sharpton, who race-baited on MSNBC's coverage of Amy Coney Barrett's SCOTUS nomination ceremony at the White House, stated that it "was the least diverse audience" he has seen for such an announcement. He stated that "I was glad her two kids did come out. Because I couldn't find too many other people of color in that audience."

So Sharptongue scans the masses for people of color and if there isn't a sufficient number as he sees it, that's a racial problem and money in his fat pockets.

The offensive violence-stoker [see Freddy's Fashion Mart] bloviated: “It is almost offensive for him [President Donald Trump] to brag about her adopting children from Haiti, which is certainly honorable. He called Haiti an s-hole country. So, he’s sitting there with the height of hypocrisy, in terms of his own rhetoric in the past.”

It's obvious that if someone gave this moron a chocolate ice cream cone he would complain that it's the same color as the skid marks in his skivvies.

The fact that the audience was not as diverse in skin color as Sharptongue demands is just another excuse for him to be angry and cry [perhaps inwardly] that all Trump supporters are racists.

There's only one racist I keep hearing and he works for MSNBC instead of being held behind bars where he belongs.

C'mon, man. You know you want to follow Brain Flushings--it's free and worth every penny. And remember, every time you click on an ad, an angel gets its wings and a liberal sheds a tear.

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