Friday, July 3, 2020

Fake "anti-racist" Democrat staffer tweeted 'N*GGA" over 20 times, targets "Super Homo" LGBT and more

In an exclusive report by National Pulse, (NP) a senior Democratic Congressman's staffer proved to be everything she blames on others: a racist, homophobic garbage heap of a human.

NP writes that Shelbie Bostedt "used the n-word over twenty times in the space of four months, as well as sharing a number of other anti-Indian, anti-Asian, and anti-gay slurs."

Steven Horsford (D-NV4) the Congressman she works for, makes a cottage industry of repeatedly attacking the Trump administration over claims of "racism" or "anti-LGBT" policies.

All the while, his Press Secretary has tweeted the word "n*gga" or "n*ggas" more than 20 times and used the hashtag #DirtyMexicans."

Bostedt has also made fun of Indian accents and, in a series of tweets dating back to 2013, has taken racist potshots at Asians.

The racist tweeted:
In another tweet, the sweetie said of her Asian classmates:
 There are almost too many stereotypes to count.
Bostedt has also used terms like "super homo" and "gay" as pejoratives.

When NP contacted her for her response they said: "Bostedt refused to respond and instead set her social media accounts to “private” mode: an arguably odd thing to do for a press secretary."

More recently, Bostedt pointed at President Trump and claimed that he is an "over racist," and tweeted obvious support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Her sexuality-related spewing has pejoratively labeled numerous things as "gay" and "super homo." The left deems these terms as  “homophobic” and continue to do what they can to control our First Amendment rights.

She’s also tweeted:
Nobody can dance like a gay boy can.
The Democratic Party may try, but they have no credibility as our moral authority on issues of anything.

Bostedt needs to check her privilege.

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