Friday, June 19, 2020

Chick-fil-A CEO okay with burning down of Wendy's: 'Repent'

Christian rapper Lecrae and Pastor Louie Giglio had a sit-down talk with Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, the Christian-owned chicken chain of restaurants across the USA. 

In an attempt to virtue-signal and prove that he is not a racist, Cathy beseeched white people [that is, people with a melanin deficit] to repent for being white and therefore racist, whether they know it or not. He even went so far as to justify rioting, looting and torching a competitor, Wendy's, in Atlanta, Georgia, following what appears to be a "good shoot" of Rayshard Brooks, [a man with more melanin than white folks] on Friday.

“We as caucasians, until we’re willing to just pick up the baton and fight for our black, African-American brothers and sisters, which they are as one human race, we’re shameful,” Cathy said, according to “We’re just adding to it.”

Evidently, Cathy's knowledge about the Civil War, in which tens of thousands of white Americans died fighting southern Democrats who wanted slavery to continue in this country, is scant.

“Our silence is so huge at this time,” he ignorantly claimed as he tried to channel the leftist's balderdash that 'silence is violence.'

“We cannot be silent," he bloviated. "Somebody has to fight and God has so blessed our city, but it’s shameful how we let things get so out of whack.”

Then, before quite literally polishing the shoes of Lecrae, whose skin color is black due to a generous quantity of melanin, Cathy added that white Christians [those of us less graced with an abundance of melanin] should have a “sense of shame” and an “apologetic heart.”

He wants white people, in effect, to apologize for being white, an immutable quality, for something we didn't do, to people who we didn't do it to. It sounds like he wants us all to buy his chicken.

“Any expressions of a contrite heart, of a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment … an apologetic heart,” he said, “I think that’s what our world needs to hear today.”

I am humble in my relationship with G_d; I am not ashamed for something I not only did not do but abhor when someone else does it; and I am not embarrassed for being white, decent and generally okay. Screw anyone who thinks I owe them that.

Cathy seemingly tried to justify the incineration of an Atlanta Wendy's restaurant on Friday. He cited black people's "incredible amounts of frustration and pain” that “white people” are “simply just out-of-sight, out-of-mind oblivious to.”

“I think, before we try to jump into action, I would say that we need a period of contrition, and a broken heart in the city of Atlanta,” Cathy claimed. “And a sense of real identity, not just criticizing people that are burning down that restaurant last night. We’ve got a heart for the Rayshard Brooks and others that you’ve [Lecrae] mentioned, we’ve gotta have a sense of empathy of what led to this. This is a tip of the iceberg of incredible amounts of frustration and pain that the whole spectrum of the African American community [is feeling] … that most of us white people are simply just out-of-sight, out-of-mind oblivious to. We cannot let this moment pass.”

I call bull crap on Cathy.

The black people I know, and the brown person I'm married to, do not see themselves as victims of white people. Most see themselves as responsible for their own lives and decisions they made along the way.

And the biggest problem in our country today regarding race, is less about racism and more about growing up in a fatherless home and/or having kids before finishing school, which is part and parcel of the same problem emanating from one's home life.

Cathy also said that “a dozen Chick-fil-A restaurants have been vandalized in the last week,” while urging “white people” to feel the “pain” of the rioters [as they cheerfully made off with TVs, SmartPhones and whatever they could carry as the looted stores burned].

Last year, Chick-fil-A announced that they would no longer donate to Christian-based charities wrongfully labeled "anti-LGBT" by leftists, as reported by The Daily Wire.

In an attempt to be woke, the chicken chain decided to make changes to the charities it donated to, because those Christian-based charities view any sexual behavior deemed as sinful in the Bible, as sinful. They do not hate the sinner, they hate the sin, and Dan Cathy knows this.

But in spite of the company's announcement last year, GLAAD, an LGBTQ group still blasted Chick-fil-A as being anti-LGBTQ, proving that once they come to cancel you, no amount of groveling will get you back in their "good graces," [which is an oxymoron].

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