Friday, May 22, 2020

Ted Cruz goes after GQ 'Ragazine' for lying as Dems often do

The nice term for it is 'revisionist history,' but the more accurate term would be 'bald-face lying.' The culprit in this case is GQ Magazine, but when it comes to politics, they have lots of competition.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) went after the magazine on Thursday after they published a correction to a propaganda piece ironically titled "The Anti-Abortion Movement Was Always Built On Lies." The article labeled the late George Wallace, a flaming segregationist and former governor of Alabama as a Republican.

Wallace was a Democrat.

Mark Hemingway of Real Clear Investigations was the first one to spot the correction and Cruz responded to it saying that GQ's correction revealed "the lie at the heart of a pile of lies."

Cruz wrote: “The ‘correction’ that reveals the lie at the heart of a pile of lies. Yes, racist George Wallace was a Democrat. KKK founder Nathan Bedford Forrest was a Dem. The authors of Jim Crow were Dems. And Dems today seem not at all concerned about the millions of black children aborted.”

The corrected version of the article, which attempted to distance Wallace from his Democratic roots, contains the following (my italics):

The George Wallace, the longtime governor of Alabama, a Democrat who would later join the far-right American Independent Party, four-time presidential candidate, and outspoken segregationist who is often compared to Donald Trump, backed the legalization of abortion in the late 1960s because he claimed black women were “breeding children as a cash crop” and taking advantage of social welfare programs.

The only people who compare Wallace to President Trump are generally "never Trump" leftists. Where Wallace physically stood in front of white schools to keep black children from entering, Trump calls for an end to funding Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill responsible for killing more black children than any other form of violence.

Pretending that Wallace was not a Democrat is a lie.

In an article from The Washington Post they wrote said Wallace ran for president with the American Independent Party in 1968 and won 46 electoral votes. But in 1972, Wallace again ran for president in the Democratic primary, and ran for president again in 1976 before endorsing Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter. He died in 1998.

Wallace was a Democrat. The KKK was formed by Democrats.

In a follow-up tweet, Cruz targeted Planned Parenthood, noting that the organization was founded by avowed racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who clearly described her thoughts  in a 1932 paper titled: My Way To Peace.

In 1939, Sanger, the heroine of the left, discussed in a letter to Clarence Gamble,
(cited here), the nature of her organization's outreach to the African-American community:
“The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”
In her autobiography she proudly recounts her address to the women of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, N.J., in 1926.

And the left canonized her.

Sen. Cruz was aware of Sanger's history and tweeted:
“Also, Margaret Sanger—founder of Planned Parenthood, Dem’s hero & racist eugenicist—wrote ‘We should require mandatory sterilizations of those less desirable’ & she wrote ‘We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,.” 
2/x Also, Margaret Sanger—founder of Planned Parenthood, Dem’s hero & racist eugenicist—wrote “We should require mandatory sterilizations of those less desirable” & she wrote “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.“
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 21, 2020

There is a plaque at Northeastern Illinois University that refers to Abraham Lincoln as a Democrat. HuffPo tried to defend the school by saying if Lincoln were alive today he'd be a Democrat, but they can't even predict an election, much less what Lincoln's political party would be today. [I also suspect they're wrong.]

Democrats would like to revise history or pretend the factual version of it is misleading.

Wallace was a Democrat and Sanger was an evil eugenicist.

So who are the real racists as a group?

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