Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dems attack Trump for winding down coronavirus task force

If you haven't figured out yet that no matter what President Trump does, the Democrats are going to attack him for it. Now the "Party of the KKK" are quick to condemn him Tuesday after Vice President Mike Pence said the White House is discussing the potential possibility of winding down the coronavirus task force and transferring its responsibilities to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with other agencies, as soon as Memorial Day or early June.

It isn't as if the administration is planning to stick its head in the sand, it is simply getting another agency involved while the experts from the task force will continue to provide input. The only difference is that they will not be meeting regularly. The White House’s focus was shifting toward vaccines, therapeutics, testing and reopening the economy, and the latter shift is really upsetting the left as they would prefer keeping the economy closed long enough to have the federal government take over the economy in a move toward socialism.

So the left is still trying to make political hay over the pandemic because, as Hillary Clinton said while paraphrasing Rahm Emanuel, 'why let a tragedy go to waste.'?

The voices panning the Trump administration's decision to work on transferring the task force's responsibilities came from governors' offices, socialists and some Democratic members of Congress.

"It is unthinkable that President Trump would shut down the main task force established to coordinate our nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic while we are still in the midst of figuring out the health and economic implications of this pandemic," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), said. " It is a shameful abdication of responsibility."

How so? Does Hoyer believe that the administration no longer cares to deal with the solving for a vaccine and treatment of the virus? Does he really think that Trump is implying 'mission accomplished?'

Hoyer accused Trump of downplaying the dangers of the coronavirus, blamed him for armed protesters showing up at state Capitols and said decisions like this one from the Trump administration are "exactly why the House established a select committee to oversee federal response to the COVID-19 pandemic." He also blamed Trump for tornadoes, hurricanes, lyme disease, cancer and shark attacks.

On the Senate side, Communist-loving loser Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), called the Trump administration's decision a "tragedy." He may have confused the Trump administration with every Communist dictatorship that ever existed, but at least the victims of those regimes knew how to read the "Communist Manifesto."

"At a time when his own administration is predicting a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, our 'stable genius' president is winding down his coronavirus task force," the self-declared democratic socialist who never held a real job said. "This is a true American tragedy. Thousands will unnecessarily die because of Trump's contempt for science."

Sure, if the coronavirus task force fails to talk about the coronavirus, thousands will die in spite of the fact that they will still provide input along with other experts, but will not spend two hours a day to meet with left-leaning "reporters" who will then attack Trump with "gotcha" questions.

The White House pushed back against mindless "Never-Trump" comments that accused the administration of limiting the involvement of medical professionals in the coronavirus response.

"Reporting on the task force is being misconstrued to suggest the White House is no longer involving medical experts. This is totally false," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a tweet. "President @realdonaldtrump will continue his data-driven approach towards safely re-opening."

As he had throughout the crisis.

Another White House official added that the task force was never meant to be permanent, just like the quarantine. 

But the left will go against Trump at every turn. When he was doing daily pressers, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media, except for Fox News, refused to air it because it made Trump look presidential. However, when Trump decided not to hold a daily presser, CNN's Wolf "Gasp" Blitzer called him a 'coward.' You can't have it both ways.

"Members of the task force will continue providing input, though the group will not be meeting as regularly as the focus changes toward vaccines, therapeutics, testing, and ultimately re-opening the economy," the Trump official said. "Keep in mind the task force was always a temporary arrangement. Health experts will continue providing input even while not meeting together every day."

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has at times been complimentary of the Trump administration's response to the pandemic, in an interview with his brother Chris on CNN took a more critical tone. Specifically, he said the move to roll back the task force was emblematic of wishful thinking the Trump administration has had in its response to the pandemic from the very beginning.

Not only is Gov. Cuomo unable to read minds, he was the guy sending COVID patients back to their New York nursing homes which created a horrible tragedy. Between 40 and 60 percent of all deaths in the state came from nursing homes.

And Chris Cuomo, who contracted COVID-19, was seen leaving quarantine to work on his new home in the Hamptons, and later went on his show where he pretended to be leaving his basement quarantine weeks later.

The criticism also came from outside the government. Liberal activist Scott Dworkin said Trump is ending the task force during "the height of the pandemic" because "he's a sociopath." Dworkin has a degree in pseudopsychology from the University of Nether Regions.

Trump denied that his message with the move was "mission accomplished," although the media and the Democrats [but I repeat myself] will accuse him of not caring.

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