Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Michael Moore thinks COVID-19 is a warning by an angry rock who wants revenge

Nobody knows how many cows in his lifetime Michael Moore has eaten or whether the obese filmmaker really believes you can make a rock hurling around the sun emotionally upset to the point it wants revenge because you don't recycle and go all out socialist with the Green New Deal, but apparently Moore believes this claptrap.

Moore believes the COVID-19 pandemic is Earth's  "gentle warning" that it plans to take "revenge" on the human race over climate change.

I disagree.

Earth is angry at us for eating its animals and not washing our hands 43 times a day.

On Tuesday, Moore, 66, released a new episode of his “Rumble” podcast [named for that sound coming from his hungry gut] in which he discussed the “planetary emergency” Earth finds itself in and how the current COVID-19 situation is just a taste [and Moore has tasted everything] of what he believes is to come.

“I believe that we are in a planetary emergency. A planetary emergency, my friends. And I’m not talking about the coronavirus,” he said on Tuesday's podcast. “Viruses are a part of nature. This is their planet, too, they are a form of life and, like another species I know well, they are killers." [He may have been referring to people who slaughter animals for his enjoyment.]

"This current pandemic is simply mother nature giving us a gentle warning. I know you’re thinking, ‘Mike, uh, gentle? There’s over 3 million around the world infected by this virus and a quarter-million people are dead. You call that gentle?’ Yes, I do. I do, but I do not diminish how God awful serious this is, how tragic it is for people that have been sick who've lost loved ones.”

Actually I wasn't thinking "Mike, uh, gentle." I was thinking "Mike, you're freaking nuts. If you believe that nature has a mother, as you say, then I hesitate putting you in charge of dealing with this crisis. You are a pagan who thinks that dancing around trees and kissing the ground makes the Earth happy.

It's people like you who are the real danger to the Earth because your socialist "solution" is a child's cartoon of reality.

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