Wednesday, May 6, 2020

DEADLY Chinese finger traps unloaded on U.S.

An enormous supply of novelty items from China were recently sent to the United States. Fun you think? Not so much.

The popular Chinese finger traps [aka Chinese finger puzzles] that many of us grew up with has always seemed harmless enough as a gag toy, but that's mostly due to the fact that there was a way of tricking the trap by pushing your fingers together to loosen its grip.

Not with these babies.

Unsuspecting Americans will find these finger traps are unforgiving even when they try to escape by pushing their fingers together to loosen its frightening grip. Several victims had their fingers trapped for days and have been unable to eat, sleep or do other normal activities of daily living such as hygienic toileting and napkin using.

Democrats are blaming the Trump administration for allowing these killer devices to be imported from China, but Trump personally has promised to "tariff the crap" out of China and end this scourge by "nipping it in the butt."

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