Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cuomo 'shocked' over virus infection data and lockdown backfire

America's incompetent governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) had a bomb dropped on him when he learned that fully 84% of COVID-19 infections happen at home, not on the subway, not in the street. In fact, the data shows that "nonessential" workers, as defined by politicians who aren't, the retired folks and those who don't take public transit, were the ones most affected.

“Much of this comes down to what you do to protect yourself. Everything is closed down, government has done everything it could, society has done everything it could. Now it’s up to you,” Cuomo nasally said.

On March 26, the New York Democrat publicly questioned his lockdown policy, though he implemented no changes.

“We closed everything down. That was our public health strategy,” Cuomo honked, as reported by the New York Post. “If you re-thought that or had time to analyze that public health strategy, I don’t know that you would say ‘Quarantine everyone.’”

“I don’t even know that that was the best public health policy,” the governor admitted. “Young people then quarantined with older people, [it] was probably not the best public health strategy. The younger people could have been exposing the older people to an infection.” In fact, it was murderous.

In defense of Cuomo, nobody knew what they were doing at the outset of the pandemic, but Cuomo acted as if he did.

In spite of now having the necessary information, the Democrat is continuing with his lockdown policy.

Go figure.

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