Thursday, February 13, 2020

MSNBC anchor as ignorant as Al Sharptongue

MSNBC's Katy Tur anchors a weekday political show. In order to be in that position, specifically, anchoring a political show, it's usually good to know things about politics. Tur knows apparently less about politics than foreigners who've passed their citizenship test.

It's questionable as to whether she knows the difference between her elbow and another part of her anatomy.

Sadly, this is the result of someone who was promoted based on popularity as opposed to knowledge. She became famous in 2016 when then-candidate Trump was a meanie to her and the leftist media had a ball with that.

Tur asked her guest whether gerrymandering could be used to break up the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate. The U.S. Senate. Gerrymandering.

Her question: "Is gerrymandering something that would help improve the situation? How does that sort of divide promote consensus in the Senate, or even in the House?" she asked. [Note in the video on that page how she doesn't know the difference between the word 'kerfuffle' and 'conundrum' and is quickly corrected.]

Senate elections have nothing to do with gerrymandering districts--there are no senate districts, there are two senators for each state. Races are state-wide and are not like House districts. That she is ignorant of this as a political journalist is absurd. The fact that she's an anchor and doesn't know this should tell you something about MSNBC.

But this wasn't her first ignorance rodeo.

Last February she claimed George Washington was a “native son of New York.” Washington was a Virginian as most school kids are taught. Maybe she was out that day.

The ditz also claimed falsely during the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh that no GOP senator extended a kind or thoughtful word to Christine Blasey Ford to Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford when she testified, and lied before Congress. Many GOP senators had kind words for the lying, crying Ford.

Earlier than that, Tur claimed former Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. That was not true--McCaskill did no such thing.

She even claimed in July 2018 that the “the Republican party decided [in 2016] not to arm Ukraine,” ignoring the fact that the Trump administration signed off on a massive sale of defensive weapons to arm Ukraine against Russian-backed separatists.

And the blunders go on and on, including a lie that there exists no limits to the Second Amendment, and the claim that then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott avoided a meeting with pro-gun activists when, in fact, he was attending a funeral for the victim of a shooting.

This is a woman who has the equivalent knowledge of politics as AOC has of economics, and her "squad" has of the greatness of America.

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