Monday, February 17, 2020

Justin Trudeau shakes hands with Iranian terrorists: Canadians become impolite

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is either an oblivious idiot or he's a horrible human being--one or the other--because it didn't dawn on him that shaking hands with an Iranian scumbag terrorist was the wrong thing to do.

The leader of the cold world is facing impolite anger by his fellow countrymen after he was photographed shooting the breeze, shaking hands, and doing the "Obama Bow" to Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. The thing is, the kissing up came after the terrorist nation of Iran shot down a commercial airplane killing 57 Canadians.


Last January Iran shot down a plane after they launched a series of missile attacks at two Iraqi military bases housing American troops. The Iranian response, a form of sword rattling, came after U.S. President Donald Trump blew away terrorist Quds Force general Qassem Soleimani, to the dismay of his fellow terrorists and the U.S. Democratic Party.

Soleimani was in Iran [where he was not supposed to be] trying to stir up anti-American sentiment and organize anti-American terror operations.

At first, Iran denied downing the airliner, but after United States and international intelligence organizations proved the downing was caused by a pair of surface-to-air missiles fired from inside Iran, they finally issued a statement taking responsibility. Of course, they blamed both missile launches on "human error," but that's highly doubtful as the Quds Force is not composed of actual humans.

More than 150 passengers perished in the attack which Iran called an "unforgivable mistake."

The U.S. Democratic Party forgave them along with Justin Trudeau, it seems.

There were 57 Canadians aboard the Ukrainian Airlines plane, headed to Kiev, Ukraine, where they planned to catch a connecting flight to Toronto, according to the BBC.

“The plane was bound for the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, [aka Kiev] and many on board had a connecting flight to Toronto, Canada’s largest city and a transit hub,” the British outlet reported, identifying why so many Canadians were killed in the attack. “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that, all told, 138 people on that flight were en route to Canada.”

At the time of the attack, Trudeau insisted that he would demand “closure, accountability, transparency and justice” from the Iranians. By justice he meant that he would force Zarif to tolerate his poor jokes and shake his hand.

However, last week, at a conference in Munich, Germany, Trudeau seemed to cozy up with the Iranian delegation, according to, [mainly because he's a politician and a liar, but I repeat myself].

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing criticism over new photographs showing him shaking hands with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif,” the outlet reported. “The meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference on Friday quickly sparked criticism online given that Iran shot down a passenger plane last month near Tehran killing all 176 on board, including 57 Canadians. Since then, it has refused to hand over the black boxes recovered from the crash site.”

Trudeau, who has fallen under criticism for failing to treat President Trump with due respect, defended his congenial interaction with the Iranians when asked about it by reporters, even as Iranian state television reportedly played the handshake off as a sign of forgiveness.

“I made a promise to families in Canada to do everything I could to make sure that they get answers, that we have a full and complete investigation, that we understand exactly what happened,” Trudeau told reporters. “I went by to impress upon the foreign minister of Iran how important it is that we work together.” And he hoped that they could be friends.

Not everyone was impressed with Trudeau’s thoughtless behavior and abject stupidity.

“Not a good look to see PM Trudeau with smiling FM Zarif of Iran after Canadians killed at the hands of Iranian incompetence and malice on Ukrainian plane- not to mention the innocent Iranian protestors‘ killed,” one expert on Iranian-Canadian relations tweeted.

And, reports, families of the plane crash victims are “furious.”

The Canadian delegation tried to wave off the controversy, suggesting that Trudeau was forceful in private meetings, demanding that Iran turn over the flight’s black boxes to international officials, but they offered no proof of Trudeau’s position and truth be told, Trudeau is a wuss and a former snowboard instructor.

Like every other leftist finger-pointer, Trudeau did have some harsh words for at least one person he holds responsible for the airplane being shot down: President Trump.

Back in January, the Andy Kaufman lookalike pinned Iran's "human error" squarely on Trump's shoulders, because whenever anything in any part of the world goes wrong, no matter who is at fault, they blame Trump. And normal people [those of us without Trump Derangement Syndrome] are tired of their bs.

“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” Trudeau said.

Soleimani deserved to die. He killed tens of thousands both directly and indirectly. Osama bin Laden also deserved to die for the same reason. The only difference in the reaction is due to who made the call. Anyone who is not in a coma knows that.

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