Saturday, February 22, 2020

Dan Crenshaw exposes Bernie Sanders as the old Commie he is

You can call it democratic socialism--it sounds harmless and perhaps almost American, but it is anything but American. You can call it Communism, because it has all the nuts and bolts by which Communism is defined. But "democratic" socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would have us believe that his form of socialism is a form of charity for the underprivileged.

The old commie recently tweeted:
“If you have health insurance, I’m asking you to fight for those who don’t. If you’re native-born, I’m asking you to fight for the undocumented. If you can afford an education, I’m asking you to fight for those who can’t. The only way we defeat Trump is with human solidarity.” 
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) translated Sanders' words and exposed their true meaning. He tweeted:
“Translation: If you have private insurance, you’ll be forced into socialized health care If you immigrate to the US legally, you’ll be cut in line by those who don’t If you work hard and pay for college, you’ll be paying the debt of others That’s socialism, not “solidarity.”
Leftists are experts when it comes to language and getting you to almost believe their babble. They use terms like "pro-choice" to describe the killing of the unborn, as if it's a woman's right to make that choice while her baby lives on the inside of her womb.

The left tries to make socialism sound like charity when all it does is take from us that which we have worked for in order to enrich the power elite.

Dan Crenshaw explains that there is no such thing as "free" as Sanders would like you to believe. The money to pay for his "free" programs have to come from somewhere and steal from the rich.

And notice how Sanders, who was recently exposed as a millionaire with three homes, now only focuses on the "greedy billionaires."

When Mike Bloomberg mentioned his three homes at the Democratic Debate in Nevada this week, his answer was weak. He basically listed his homes in an angry tone, as if that justified his ownership, and he called his $600,000 lakeside home a "summah camp," as if everyone in Vermont has a summer camp.

As Sanders continues to soar in his nomination bid, the Democratic Party is looking less attractive to normal liberals, especially older folks who remember what Communism was like when they were young.

Make no mistake, Sanders ideology is evil. It is responsible for the death of a hundred million people. Socialism, in the pure form for which Sanders advocates, would destroy the economy like it has wherever it has been imposed. It is a form of thievery, and must be imposed at the end of a gun.

Listen to the interpretation by Crenshaw of Sanders' words.

People who don't pay attention to the failures in history, will be doomed to repeat them.

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