Sunday, October 13, 2019

O'Rourke would punish churches that don't support gay marriage

Democratic dullard Robert Francis O'Rourke [an Irishman who uses the name "Beto" to make himself sound Hispanic] has little regard for the U.S. Constitution. He admitted that he would disregard the Second Amendment and take away guns from law abiding citizens.

More recently, during a CNN LGBTQetc town hall event on Thursday, O'Rourke said that if he somehow won the cosmic lottery and won became president that he would take away tax-exempt status from churches that follow their scripture and thus refuse to support same-sex marriage.

This is an example of how progressivism is the new religion of the left and is intolerant of opposing ideologies, free speech and the right to defend oneself.

“This is from your LGBTQ plan and here’s what you write — this is a quote: ‘Freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but it should not be used to discriminate,'” CNN's cretin and gay host Don Lemon said. “Do you think religious institutions like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?”

O’Rourke answered: “There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone or any institution, any organization in America, that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us. So as president, we’re going to make that a priority, and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.”

Fortunately for America, O'Rourke has as much chance of winning the presidency as Rashida Tlaib has of buying Israeli savings bonds after planting a tree in Israel while denouncing Hamas.

Who the hell does O'Rourke think he is?

For him, it's okay to deny the human and civil rights of those who follow a particular religion. How quickly he is to condemn Christians while being unwilling to speak about Islam's similar and even more radical beliefs about homosexuality and same-sex marriage.

The left has lost its tongue when it comes to Islam's treatment of gays. In many Islamic countries, being gay, lesbian, queer or transgender is a death sentence if caught. But the left never seems to discuss that situation, only the fact that Christians, who would serve the LGBTQ community but would not serve for a same-sex wedding, should be punished for refusing to go against their religion.

Even the Trump-hating Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) slammed O'Rourke for his "bigoted nonsense."

“This bigoted nonsense would target a lot of sincere Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Leaders from both parties have a duty to flatly condemn this attack on very basic American freedoms,” Sasse wrote. “This extreme intolerance is un-American. The whole point of the First Amendment is that…everyone is created with dignity and we don’t use government power to decide which religious beliefs are legitimate and which aren’t.”

It's clear that if O'Rourke had his way [which is as likely as a Texan being struck by lightning three times in succession at noon in Times Square on a sunny day] there would eventually be no Christian, Jewish, Muslim or religious academic institutions left standing in America. The only "religion" would be Communism, but they probably will not call it that--they'll use a catchy term like Democratic socialism.

Professor Denny Burk wrote on Twitter: “Beto O’Rourke calls for Christian churches to lose their tax-exempt status unless they endorse gay marriage. This draconian assault on the First Amendment is now the MAINSTREAM view within the Democratic party. This could bankrupt many churches and religious institutions because it would dissuade contributions. Many churches would lose their property as a result of being unable to pay property taxes — especially in big cities. This is truly draconian and unconstitutional.”

Burk is exactly correct.

Even left-wing journalists that work for far-left publications found the cretin's comments to be repulsive, possibly because he panders to his two supporters: his dental hygienist and his barber.

Slate writer Ruth Graham tweeted: “I’m late on this, but it’s astounding, and it’s exactly where conservatives have been warning that progressives are heading.”

Many in O’Rourke’s party view him as a moron and have called him a loser publicly.

Former Chicago Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a loser of another kind, essentially said the same thing about O’Rourke last year.

“If Beto O’Rourke wants to go and run for president, God bless him,” Emanuel said. “He should put his hat in and make his case. But he lost. You don’t promote a loser to the top of the party.”

Rahm was referring to the mainstream media when discussing the idea of promoting a candidate, because real journalism has been dead and buried for years now and the media has become an extension of the Democratic Party.

Coming soon: Beto's proctology appointment on video.

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