Monday, October 14, 2019

Kamala Harris terrorizes Iowa school kids "Why aren't you in school?"

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has been scouring the streets of Des Moines and scared the bejeezus out of a group of children who were on a lunch break from class. She then verbally assaulted parents of children she assumed were truant from school in her bid to prove how tough she would be on crime, no matter how small.

While on a tour of small businesses the former California Attorney General ran into four young kids on the street and sternly asked, "Why aren't you in school?"

Because they were on their lunch break and now they had to deal with indigestion and cookie-milk regurgitation inspired by their anxiety caused by the mean lady who laughs at her own internal jokes.

Harris, who was once relevant as a candidate, is now as relevant as spectacles on a pumpkin, but she's doing everything she can to turn that around in order to become the first cis female President of the United States of America!

In her quest for justice, truth and the American way, along with improving the education of the world's children, Harris needs to go after Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish truant who refuses to attend class while having parental approval to bloviate and pontificate to the United States of America on how we've upset her for flying in planes, using gasoline-driven automobiles, and employing clean atomic energy to power the nation. Yes that's a long sentence, but it's accurate.

[Ironically, Thunberg, the world's most notorious truant, came to the US as a passenger in a boat whose crew later returned to Sweden in a commercial aircraft powered by fossil fuel, because environmental activists are freaking hypocrites.] Now Thunberg wants all the world's children to play hooky and join her "in the streets" and be on the lookout for Kamala Harris, or "she's gonna get you."

Does anyone know where Harris was when big city schools let kids off to protest global warming?

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