Monday, September 9, 2019

Kamala Harris' deafness of convenience

On Friday, during an outdoor town hall in Londonderry, New Hampshire, a man asked 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) about what she plans are "to diminish the mentally retarded actions" of President Trump. You can hear the question as it begins at around 36:30 on the video, but if you're inclined to watch Harris laugh and play with her hair, the entire town hall is on it.

The question is asked in a clear microphone and if you have any doubts that Harris might not have heard it, you must be smoking crack.

As the audience cheered and applauded, Harris laughed, obviously aware of what the guy said and she replied: "Well said. Well said. I plan to win this election, I'll tell you that."
Go to 36:30 to hear the question

Following a short video of the exchange ended up on social media, Harris received intense criticism over her lack of respect for the mentally impaired like she did with Joe Biden.

Self-described "disabled healthcare advocate" Kendally Brown, an apparent leftist, posted the short video to Twitter, and wrote:
During a rally, a voter referred to Trump's actions as "mentally retarded", prompting @KamalaHarris to laugh and say, "well said, well said." I hate amplifying content I know the right will seize on and twist for their own hypocritical gain, but this hurts my heart. #CripTheVote
Using "retarded" as a slur and an insult is never, EVER "well said", @KamalaHarris, no matter who it's against and no matter the larger point being made. It's ALWAYS a betrayal of the disability community. We need—and expect—better from you. #CripTheVote

Brown went on to slam "right-wing" reporters who would retweet the video, and targeted The Daily Wire specifically:
ATTENTION RIGHTWING REPORTERS RETWEETING THIS. Don't bother retweeting me to attack @KamalaHarris. I'll just block you so my tweet doesn't show up on your timeline. I refuse to be used as a token disabled pawn by a bunch of hypocrites supporting an ableist monster ... if you want to amplify the video without amplifying the Daily Wire reporter (since they are the wooooorst), here it is!
Some on Twitter echoed Brown's disappointment in Harris but still somehow managed to go after Trump as their preferred target, indicating how the Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mental disorder that appears to distract the individual from the current reality and cause him or her to exhibit a "tunnel vision" only on President Trump.

A person going by the Twitter handle @scamihorn tweeted:
My brother has down syndrome and has a heart of gold compared to Donald J Trump and is a better man. Kamala Harris you lost my vote.
What in the world does Trump have to do with Kamala Harris' insensitivity to the mentally challenged?

@BaileyPittipat wrote:
It's a term that doesn't fit the differing scale of intelligence found in humans. Or the disabilities that underly [sic]. It is a slur. And it's meant to bully. An apology is owed. Properly said, Trump is a malignant narcissist of limited cognitive skills.
Sen. Kamala Harris is currently circling the bowl in the Democratic primary race. After jumping to the top-tier following her debate confrontation with former Vice President Joe Biden in June, when she excoriated him for the school busing issue to which she also had the same vote,  she tumbled back down to where she belongs at 7.2% support, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls.

Harris is currently in the rear of the pack in fourth place behind Biden at 29.7%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) at 18%, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at 17.5%.

Bet you can't wait for the next CNN marathon debate. It's supposed to be about paint drying due to an existential global warming catastrophe in which the seas will rise, the planet will heat and Al Gore will make millions.

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