Friday, August 16, 2019

Calif. Board of Ed. scraps anti-Semitic curriculum in a low kick to the BDS

The California Board of Education finally announced it will "deep six" its current draft ethnic-studies curriculum [by 'curriculum' they mean 'propaganda'] and develop a new model following outrage by state lawmakers, activists, pro-Israel groups, and yes, even Jews for its "blatant bias against Israel" and thus the Jewish people.

The California State Board of Education stated that “the current draft model curriculum falls short and needs to be substantially redesigned.” By falls short they mean that it's full of crap and lies and paints Israel as the bad guys, not mentioning the other guys surrounding Israel who want to see it destroyed and every Jew living there.

“Following the Instructional Quality Commission’s review and response to all public comments, a new draft will be developed for State Board of Education review and potential approval. The Board will ultimately adopt an ethnic studies model curriculum that aligns to California’s values.”

California values need to be reevaluated as a good start.

Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs, a pro-Israel group, lauded both the results and the fact that the Jewish community mobilized quickly and as one.

“The pro-Israel community and people of good will stood together, united against a hateful, biased curriculum and demanded change. Our voices were heard. We look forward to seeing a curriculum that is inclusive, and that we can all feel comfortable with.”

Jews are overwhelmingly the largest victims of bias/hate crime attacks. Anti-Semitic groups would have you believe otherwise.

The Israeli-American Council also approved the decision by the Board of Education and Gov. Gavin Newsom, but said that they will continue to work to ensure that the new curriculum “will exclude hateful movements such as BDS, as well as any other narratives that demonize Israel and the Jewish people.”

Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were unavailable for comment as they were preoccupied making BDS signs.

The Israeli-American Council added: “That this curriculum was considered at all during a time when hate crimes against Jews in California, and the United States overall, is on the rise is highly disconcerting. We echo the words and leadership of the California Jewish Legislative Caucus, and urge the State Board of Education to propose a curriculum that includes the experiences and voices of the Jewish community without unfairly singling out Israel or ignoring issues of anti-Semitism.”

On one hand I commend California for doing the right thing. On the other hand, I wonder why this ever became a thing in the first place.

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