Saturday, May 4, 2019

Omar fires back at Pence but proves herself to be an empty hijab

When it comes to things having nothing to do with race or religion, freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has to resort to her default position by going after anyone who disagrees with her un-American statements with ad hominem and racist attacks.

Omar fired back at VP Mike Pence for saying she ‘doesn’t know what she’s talking about’ concerning Venezuela's  escalating tensions, and if you consider what she said, Pence absolutely right--she is nothing more than an "empty hijab."

Here's what happened:

Earlier in the day, Pence accused Omar of not knowing “what she's talking about” after she tried to lay the responsibility for the ongoing situation in Venezuela on the Trump Administration over its “bullying” tactics and sanctions.

The sanctions, by the way, were on 250 individuals, not the country and only recently escalated as Maduro became increasingly repressive to the people. 

“Women of color have heard this before. Instead of ‘We disagree,’ it's ‘She doesn't know what she's talking about,’” Omar tweeted. “They have to make us feel small. This from an Administration that thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax.”

By 'women of color' Omar was using race as verbal kryptonite because she doesn't have the capacity to defend her empty claims. She does this with race and her Islamic religion. The left tends to attack in this manner whenever they have no decent counter argument.

Pence, for his part, assigned blame for the unrest to embattled President Nicolas Maduro, putting the blame where it belongs.

"Nicolas Maduro is a socialist dictator who has taken what was one of the most prosperous nations in this hemisphere and brought it literally to a level of deprivation and oppression and poverty that we have never seen,” Pence said. “Nine out of 10 people in Venezuela live in poverty. Three million people have fled Venezuela. That's not a result of U.S. policies. That's the result of dictatorship and socialism that has been imposed on people of Venezuela by Nicolas Maduro."

Earlier in the week, Omar attacked the United States on PBS’ “Democracy Now!.” She said that "a lot of the policies that we have put in place has kind of helped lead the devastation in Venezuela and we have sort of set the stage for where we are arriving today."

Kinda, sorta, like helped. She gave no clear examples of how we mean, terrible Americans set the stage because there are no examples.

“This particular bullying and the use of sanctions to eventually intervene and make regime change really does not help the people of countries like Venezuela, and it certainly does not help and is not in the interest of the United States," she added.

The reason the Trump Administration imposed sanctions on Venezuela was not for bullying Maduro, it was because he basically rewrote the constitution of the country to secure his dictatorship over the people who are resorting to eating pigeons and stray dogs to feed themselves while he gets fatter.

Pence separately took issue with those remarks on Thursday, accusing her on Twitter of picking “socialism over freedom.” He went on to extend the administration’s support to “the freedom-loving people of Venezuela.”

The truth is, our sanctions of Venezuela is not killing the country, Maduro is with the help of socialism. Venezuela's GDP has crashed by about 50 percent since 2013. And while Omar might have a case to hate the U.S. interventionism in Muslim nations like Iraq, Syria and Libya, where many people have been killed and lives upended, and our policy and support of some of the scumcrumpets in these countries have made things worse, Venezuela is a totally different case.
"Catch the Cats 'n Rats Fun Run"
Venezuela is not the Middle East. Our policies are not the reason why Venezuela is a mess, as the anti-American congresswoman said this week. The U.S. is not making Venezuela any worse than it is or will become under existing leadership. Her view mimics many left-of-center voices critical of the regime change policies that began under Bush and Cheney.

The ruling Socialists United of Venezuela is, point blank, the only reason why Venezuela is a mess. Nicolas Maduro is its leader and dictator. He governs a failed state and 50 other countries all agree.

Brazil and Colombia are taking in around one million Venezuelans who have fled the country. Some parents have chosen to take their kids out of school and live in United Nations tents in Colombia instead of Maduro's Venezuela. That's how bad it has gotten.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Trump Administration, as Omar suggests. It's Maduro's incompetence that's killing Venezuela. The country began circling the bowl with an economic depression in the Obama years, and it was then that Obama first sanctioned members of the Maduro Administration in 2015. 

Trump later sanctioned Maduro's Vice President Tareck El Aissami for drug trafficking in February 2017, and later that year, U.S. companies were banned from providing financial assistance (as in loans) to one company only, oil firm PdVSA.

The claim that the U.S. is banning food and medicine shipments to Venezuela is not actually true. When those shipments are not going to sanctioned individuals, it isn't breaking sanctions law.

Ilhan Omar doesn't know what she's talking about but as long as what she says is an attack on this administration, the left will support it because the truth is less important than the effect as far as they're concerned.

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