Friday, May 17, 2019

Illegal alien charged with murder of 12 elderly women: CNN not interested in covering story

An illegal alien from Kenya has been charged in the deaths of 12 elderly women in Texas. Since he is in the United States illegally, CNN chose to ignore the story because it goes against their agenda in spite of the fact that this is possibly one of the most prolific serial killings in our history. Had the murders been carried out by a white supremacist or even a Trump supporter, there would undoubtedly be wall-to-wall coverage by the Comedy News Network.

Billy Chemirmir, is a 46-year-old former healthcare worker. Ironically, his idea of "healthcare" is in line with Planned Parenthood and their idea of "healthcare" for women seeking abortions--while PP kills babies for "health reasons," Chemirmir allegedly killed his patients for "healthcare" reasons as well. 

Actually, he did it for the money.

The illegal alien had already been charged with capital murder in March 2018 in the death of Lu Thi Harris, 81, but was indicted on Tuesday for eleven additional deaths: five in Collin County and six more in Dallas County.

Court records show that Chemirmir, a citizen of Kenya living illegally in the United States, allegedly smothered his victims with a pillow and then robbed them, according to The Dallas Morning News.

After Chemirmir’s initial arrest, authorities told reporters their plans to review around 750 cases of unattended deaths of elderly women for links to Chemirmir, some of which had already been ruled as natural causes.

The Dallas Morning News reported:

Chemirmir was indicted Tuesday in the deaths of six Dallas County women:
Phyllis Payne, 91, who died May 14, 2016, according to the indictment and her obituary. 
Phoebe Perry, 94, who died June 5, 2016, according to a family obituary. 
Norma French, 85, who died Oct. 8, 2016, according to the indictment and her obituary. 
Doris Gleason, 92, who died Oct. 29, 2016, according to her family and the indictment. 
Rosemary Curtis, 76, who died Jan. 19, 2018, according to her obituary. 
Mary Brooks, 87, who died Jan. 31, 2018, according to the indictment and her obituary.
Additionally, Chemirmir is charged with attempted capital murder for allegedly trying to suffocate two other Collin County women. The coward also allegedly attacked a 93-year-old woman in 2017 at another assisted living facility.

The Washington Times described how police investigating one of the Collin County attacks were able to break the case:
The break in the case came when Chemirmir forced his way into the Plano apartment of a 91-year-old woman that March, telling her to “go to bed. Don’t fight me,” according to an arrest affidavit filed in Collin County. The woman was smothered with a pillow into unconsciousness and robbed. However, paramedics revived her and she told investigators that her attacker had stolen a box containing her jewelry. Police identified Chemirmir from a license plate number and were able to find and tail him days later, when they watched him throw a jewelry box into a trash bin. They traced the box to Harris, according to the affidavit.
According to one victim’s statement to police, the accused serial killer allegedly pretended to be a maintenance worker in order to attempt to gain entrance to her apartment. When she told him she didn’t need any work done, he knocked the victim from her walker as he forced his way inside, then tried to smother her with a pillow from her couch.
The former healthcare worker uses his “healthcare experience to his advantage, targeting and exploiting seniors,” Plano Police Chief Gregory W. Rushin told reporters following Chemirmir’s arrest, according to The Dallas Morning News.

CNN has thus far chosen not to cover the case, as was first noted on Twitter by The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra:
Meanwhile, Fox News, ABC, and NBC were other major media outlets to cover the story thus far. NBC, however, has so far left Chemirmir’s immigration status out of their coverage.

Chemirmir is also being charged with being in the United States illegally.

CNN is being charged with fake news and sucking.

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