Saturday, May 11, 2019

Beto's not even sure his wife would vote for him at this point

Robert Francis O'Rourke [aka Beto, to impress the Hispanic voter] is having a dreck week from the dregs as his pole numbers circle the bowl down into "statistically insignificant" territory. He met with an 8th grade civics class in Iowa and his presentation bombed when he tried to joke about his Republican mother who crossed party lines to vote for him.

THE POLITICO reported on his struggles to "organize a viable campaign." 

His biggest problem isn't just that he isn't very bright, or that he tried to run from police [which he denies but police confirmed] and received a DUI, or that he panders to his audience and that he will say anything to get a vote, or that he ate dirt when he lost to Ted Cruz in the Texas Senatorial election, or that he gave his wife a "diaper surprise" from their baby and told her it was a green avocado, or that he tends to eventually lose everything he undertakes like he did with his band. 

No, it's that he isn't black, or gay, or transgender, or a handicapped black woman--he's a rich white guy and is nothing special. 

When O'Rourke announced his candidacy in March, the former mediocre congressman and failed Senate candidate was lauded as a formidable presidential candidate, possibly even a solid bet to win the nomination. Since that time however, others have grabbed the spotlight from him with their gayness or blackness or their craziness. South Bend Mayor Peter Buttigieg [aka Butter Judge] is an example of how the left values intersectionality over ideology because they vote with their feelings, not with their brains.

Despite his privileged upbringing and upward-failing path to success, Beto  hasn't shown a willingness to share his unearned fortunes with the less fortunate that he pretends to advocate for. He and his heiress wife donated less than 1 percent of their income to charity over the last decade.

But Beto wants to tax "the rich" to make the payments for him so that he can say that he's done something good for the poor and needy. That's how most liberals feel good about themselves and virtue-signal.

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