Saturday, May 11, 2019

Former translator arrested by FBI

A former FBI translator from Virginia was arrested on charges of obstructing a federal investigation over his connection to a terror suspect.

The indictment against Abdirizak Wehelie, [aka Abe Willie] 66, was unsealed May 6, 2019.

Wehelie worked as a translator for the FBI from 2012 to 2015. In December 2012, an Al-Shabaab connected suspect who was being targeted by the FBI called Wehelie and left him a voicemail and even used his name, according to court documents.

The call was monitored as per a court order. and the following day, Wehelie was given the job of translating the call. Little did he know the FBI was on to him.

In the translation, instead of identifying himself as did the man on the phone, Wehelie marked himself down as an “unidentified male.”

When the FBI questioned Wehelie about the translation in 2016, he admitted that he had failed to identify himself and told the FBI he never had a real conversation with the terror suspect and claimed he didn't know the guy.

But a subsequent FBI investigation found the Wehelie and the suspect had about 180 phone contacts between 2010 and 2017. He was practically dating the guy, but didn't really date him because under sharia law, he would be tossed off a high place to his death if they thought he was gay.

If convicted, Wehelie faces only 25 years in prison and given a Koran, a prayer mat, and halal food.

He was released on an unsecured $20,000 bail bond (meaning that only if he jumps bail is he obligated to pay). If he doesn't jump bail that would be incredible.

But get this: Wehelie’s son Yusuf is currently serving a 10-year prison term for transporting weapons. Yusuf is said to have told an undercover informant that he wanted to carry out a shooting attack at a military recruitment center in the name of ISIS. In 2016, he also reportedly told undercover agents he wanted to join ISIS in Libya so that he could "behead dudes for Allah."

In 2010, Yusuf and another son, Yahya, were prevented from returning to the U.S. because they were on a no-fly list. The "jihadi bros" were detained in Cairo after a trip to Yemen. That designation was eventually changed and the brothers were allowed back into the U.S. because Obama was president.

It's unfortunate that the U.S. has to hire translators who could very easily be working against our people. But that's the way the cookie crumbles and the heads roll.

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