Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pelosi: Va. scandals are how we roll

House Speaker Nancy "Dancing Hands" Pelosi (D-CA) poo-pooed the notion that all the Democrat scandals coming out of Virginia is any kind of big deal on the party's national brand.

Fox News' Chad Pergram asked the dentured Democrat, "With everything that's been going on with Virginia, the governor, the attorney general here ... does that filter down and damage the national Democratic brand in any way?"

"No, it does not," Pelosi responded. "They will resolve — the Virginians will resolve their issues, ooh my dentures, there we go, that they have there. It's sad because they have some very talented blackface leaders and a possible sexual assaulter there, but they have to have the confidence of the electorate and they have to have the confidence of the legislature that they have to work with and so on and so forth and such like that. But I'll leave that up to them. I have enough to do here without getting involved in the affairs, no pun intended insofar as Mr. Fairfax is concerned, of Virginia."

All three statewide elected Democratic officials in Virginia are up to their eyeballs in scandals, centered on either wearing blackface or two, so far, sexual assault accusations against Justin Fairfax, the Lieutenant Governor.

Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) started the wave of lesser scandals when a photo surfaced last Friday showing a man in a Ku Klux Klan hood next to a man wearing blackface. The photo was included on a page dedicated to Northam in his Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook. Northam apologized for the photo at first, but then during a press conference, denied he was one of the individuals in the photo. 

The bigger scandal was Northam's approval of infanticide. In fact, it's quite possible that the blackface scandal was a way of deflecting from the acceptance of murder, but this got lost in the message the GOP needs to focus on. Northam matter-of-factly described on radio how after a baby was delivered, it would be made comfortable while the mother and abortion doctor discuss whether to kill it or not.

Justin Fairfax (D) faces a sexual assault allegation by Vanessa Tyson, an associate professor of politics at Scripps College in Claremont, California, came forward publicly as the woman accusing Fairfax of sexually assaulting her in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention. Fairfax has denied the allegation, saying he and the woman were intimate in a consensual way during the convention. 

Fairfax released a new statement on Wednesday whereby he continued to deny the allegation but also stated that women don't make such allegations "lightly." The statement came before NBC reported Fairfax said "f**k that b**ch" when talking about Tyson in a private meeting. Fairfax's chief of staff has denied his boss used that language in reference to Tyson but he's a liar too.

A second allegation came to light afterward. Meredith Watson and Fairfax both attended Duke in 2000 and the two were friends but not romantically or sexually involved. She alleges that he assaulted her and that it was "premeditated and aggressive." She kept emails to her friends at the time about the incident. Fairfax may be toast.

It is not known whether Fairfax also wanted someone to "f**k that b**ch," but if so, it will be denied.

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring admitted Wednesday he too wore blackface for a college party back in 1980. He apologized for his actions and called it the "greatest shame" he has ever felt.

When Northam's scandal broke days before, Herring called on the governor to resign. Herring said he would have conversations with leaders around the state to determine if it makes sense for him to continue serving as attorney general.

All three officials have yet to give any sign they will resign their post.

And then there were four as we discovered when Va. Rep. Bobby Scott, we learned, knew about the sexual assault allegations brought by his friend, Vanessa Tyson, because she told him in 2017 what Fairfax allegedly did to her, and he did nothing about it.

But the next person in line to take over the Virginia governorship is a Republican and the press, which is a wing of the Democratic Party, will do all it can to protect the party.

So Pelosi isn't worried. Northam will probably stay and maybe Fairfax will go because of the #MeToo movement. It's politics, folks. It's all about votes and power. Scott, I suspect, will be forgotten along with Herring.

But one thing for certain, the Democrats will not bow to morals or ethics because it would mean having to give up the governor's seat.

I hope you'll follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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