Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Muslim cleric warns about peeing and splashing on your clothes and Allah's revenge

AUSTRALIA -- No, this is not satire; it's real and it's pretty weird, but it follows Islamic scripture to a tee [or in this case, to a pee].

Nassim Abdi, a Muslim cleric, says that Allah will punish men who pee in urinals and get "splash back" on their clothes. And the crazy part is that he isn't crazy--he's highly religious.

His warning comes from mainstream Islam and Islamic "scholars" classify the hadith from whence it came, as sahih [reliable]. "It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said: 'They are being punished, but they are not being punished for anything major. One of them was heedless about preventing urine from getting on his clothes, and the other used to walk about spreading malicious gossip.'" (Ibn Majah 347)

The headline reads, “Hardline Muslim preacher rages against public urinals and says Allah will punish Islamic men who get ‘splash back’ on their shoes,” by Stephen Johnson, Daily Mail Australia, February 4, 2019.

A hardline Muslim preacher has declared Allah will punish any Islamic man who uses a wall-mounted public urinal and gets ‘splash back’ on his shoes. 
Nassim Abdi, from the ultra-conservative Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah Association, has told worshipers at a western Sydney mosque those who failed to clean themselves properly after urinating would be punished ‘in the grave’. 
The Auburn-based preacher accused Muslim men of imitating non-believers, also known as kafirs, by exposing their private parts at wall-mounted urinals in public toilets. 
‘A person using them is urinating in full view of anyone, who comes and goes, with no shame in the midst of impurity,’ he said last week at the end of a 32-minute religious lesson. 
‘Thus he can combine two apparent and forbidden acts in one deed, not hiding his private parts from the view of others nor cleaning himself properly after urinating.’ 
Mr Abdi, who has previously declared it sinful for a wife to refuse her husband’s demand for sex, said Muslims who urinated incorrectly would invalidate their prayers. 
‘You’re also, when you’re urinating, you’re getting splash back,’ he said. 
‘Very easy for that splash back to come to go on your pants and on your shoes. 
‘It leads to your prayers not being corrected.’ 
Mr Abdi’s denunciation of public urinals comes two years after fellow ASWJ preacher Abdulghani Albaf gave an angry sermon at the same mosque, above the Bukhari House Islamic Bookstore at Auburn, in Sydney’s west, on the same topic. 
‘Every public or every male public toilet now has urinals where they just stand up like animals and urinate in front of one another,’ he thundered. 
‘What’s worse is we even have Muslims using these urinals.’…
It is not known what Islam has to say about farting cows. For more on that, read the Green New Deal and the moron who wrote it.

I hope you'll follow Brain Flushings and have a few laughs while you get a conservative viewpoint. Politics is the new NFL without the mindless kneeling and this blog will both inform you and hopefully entertain you bigly.

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