Saturday, January 12, 2019

Scott Israel claims his incompetence 'Is all about politics'

Some people just cannot accept how totally incompetent they are and pull the victimhood tissue to wipe their tears.

Following his suspension by newly elected Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel vowed to take legal action because he's actually too incompetent to know that he's incompetent. Worse, he's an arrogant a**hole and is more politically motivated than the Democrats rejecting the border wall.

Despite reports and investigations showing numerous flaws that led to more deaths at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018, Israel proclaimed his suspension was “about politics.”

No, weasel whisperer, it's about how kids died because of your incompetence and because your department was too cowardly to do what they are paid to do.

"This suspension is not about what occurred on February 14th,” Israel claimed. “The governor promised as a candidate – well before he had any facts of the investigation, well before the commission even began their work – that he would remove me from office. Today, he merely fulfilled a campaign promise. This was about politics, not about Parkland."

Actually, there was a boat load of facts simply from the video of the shooting in Parkland.

Israel went on to say no one from DeSantis’ staff nor the governor himself spoke to Israel about what happened in Parkland, and that the governor was carrying out the will of the National Rifle Association (NRA), of which he offered no facts.

He also suggested that suspending him was an “easy” way to ignore the real problem, which is gun violence in America--which would have been minimized had the police gone into the school to neutralize the shooter with their own guns, rather than hiding behind a structure until the coast was clear. Police from a nearby town came rushing in and dealt with the situation the way they are supposed to and the shooting ended.
Scot Peterson hiding behind building
 as shots ring out and kids die

The other real problem for Israel is that the investigation and commission he spoke about found that his department’s active shooter training was ineffective, though they did not recommend suspending Israel.

Beside the fact that his department had information about the shooter after they received two calls – one in 2016 and one in 2017 – warning that the shooter was a potential school shooter. The department also had 20 previous contacts with the shooter relating to arguments with his now-deceased mother.

Israel was also criticized in the report for changing his department’s policy from saying officers “shall” confront active shooters to saying they “may” confront them, implying that if their nail polish was still wet, they could wait it out. Specifically, I'm talking only about Scot Peterson, the deputy who hid outside while the shooting was going on inside the school. In no way do I intend to discredit women--they would have gone in faster than his men.

In his statement announcing Israel’s suspension, Gov. DeSantis said the sheriff “has repeatedly failed and has demonstrated a pattern of poor leadership," but as a liberal Democrat, he felt he was doing the right thing.

"These incidents demonstrate Sheriff’s Israel’s repeated incompetence and neglect of duty," DeSantis’ executive order removing Israel said. "The families of the victims deserve accountability. It is my job as Governor to ensure that the safety of our local communities, especially the safety of our children, is paramount. Government officials must be held accountable for their actions, and/or inactions. For these reasons, I am suspending Sheriff Israel from office effective immediately.”

Seventeen people were killed in the Parkland school shooting because Broward County deputies failed to do their jobs. Sheriff Israel repeatedly defended their actions and his own when asked about the failures by the investigating commission, proving his incompetence and inability to serve and protect his community.

Scott Israel is probably the worst sheriff ever to strap on whatever it is he straps on.

It's a new year and the world still hasn't come to an end with President Trump in the White House, in spite of what the media and the left [but I repeat myself] would have you believe.

I hope that you will follow Brain Flushings throughout the year and feel free to comment on any issues of concern. Please subscribe and check out the sponsors on these pages too.

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