Saturday, December 22, 2018

WaPo reporter tries to kill border wall GoFundMe--gets denied and cries about blowback

Brian Kolfage
A Washington Post "reporter" tried to pressure GoFundMe to shut down a donation page raising money to build President Trump's border wall, but the scumcrumpet was denied.

The donation page titled, "We the People Will Fund the Wall," was created by Air Force veteran and triple-amputee, Brian Kolfage.

The page has already reached $12 million in donations, but the goal has been set $5 billion, which approximates the cost of the wall and which seems mathematically unlikely to reach in our lifetime. It's the thought that counts, except when you actually want to pay for something.

Tony Romm, the activist "journalist" in question, posted his concerns about the border wall donation page to his Twitter account, proving once again that real journalism is dead.

Romm tweeted:
"So there's an effort on GoFundMe to raise cash money for a border wall. Has more than $5M in donations (seeking $1B) and claims to have contacts in the Trump admin (have asked for more)."
Any writer who begins a sentence with "So," is a hack. He continued to tweet:
"But it got me thinking: is that, like, allowed on the site?" 
Well. like, duh, um, yeah, it is. Here are the full, um, sentences he tweeted:
"So there's an effort on GoFundMe to raise cash money for a border wall. Has more than $5M in donations (seeking $1B) and claims to have contacts in the Trump admin (have asked for more). But it got me thinking: is that, like, allowed on the site? (1/3)"
Actually, there is currently more than $12 million in donations, but still far short of the $5 billion he hopes to get for the wall. Romm said that Kolfage is seeking $1 billion--he isn't even correct about the amount.
Weasel Whisperer Tony Romm

Romm said that he believed the donation page was in violation of the site's rules against intolerance. [Note how the intolerant speak of the other's intolerance, just like Antifa speaks out against fascism.]

He tweeted:
"GoFundMe terms prohibit attempts to raise cash money rooted in 'intolerance of any kind relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases,' among other limits."
The wall has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender or gender identity, or serious disabilities or diseases. Except in the latter case, we don't want to admit anyone with a serious contagious disease. No country does, nor would it allow entry. That's just stupid.

The wall has to do with abiding by the U.S. Constitution and our rule of law. Nobody cares who comes lawfully into the country--there has never been any controversy over that issue because the U.S. is comprised of all nationalities and religious affiliations, as well as men who think they're women and vice-versa.

Romm, who is a technology policy weasel whisperer for the leftist Washington Post, said that a spokesperson from the donation crowdfunding site told him the project was not in violation of their terms.
So I asked GoFundMe if this wall fundraiser violates that. Spox: "This campaign does not violate our terms of service. The funds are safely held by our payment processor and we will work with the organizer to transfer funds" or return them if target isn't met (3/3)"
Romm then complained that his attack in an attempt to kill the donation page was being misrepresented as politically motivated on Twitter. The fake reporter said:
"the state of our discourse is such that this thread -- which merely explores the funding campaign in the context of the site's ToS -- is a political lightning rod. somehow the most boring legalese has turned into a rallying cry for a certain set of users to go on the attack"
"[S]omehow the most boring legalese has turned into a rallying cry for a certain set of users to go on the attack." 
I suspect if Romm was somehow able to stop the wall GoFundMe page from operating, he would take credit for stopping Kolfage from his goal of funding something he believes in for the country. He already gave up three of his limbs for the U.S.A. and still wants to give more in an effort to do what's right.

Romm, on the other hand, gave up some of his free time to type words on Twitter and complain that he couldn't get his way and gain fame as a spoiler.

What a freaking hero.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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